1000 Lb Sisters: Chris Combs Approved To Get Weight Loss Surgery Before Tammy? Reveals Biggest Fear!


Unlike 1000 Lb Sisters star Tammy, the siblings’ half-brother Chris Combs took his weight loss journey seriously, and one can see that. Despite having inevitable setbacks, he never missed any chance to follow a healthy diet and work out. Thus, he joined his half-sister in her weight loss journey to stay fit. Sadly, some unexpected issues made his efforts go in vain. So let’s hop straight to know if Combs is finally approved to get weight loss surgery or not.

1000 Lb Sisters: Chris Is Getting Weight Loss Surgery?

In the latest episode, Chris shared his fear ahead of his weight loss surgery. At first, the doctor approved Amy’s surgery. So, she quickly picked herself over Tammy and decided to get it done. Chris, on the other hand, joined Tammy in her weight loss journey. However, Dr. Eric Smith told him to lose some weight before undergoing such surgery. Well, in the last year, Chris lost almost 100 pounds. That was the biggest achievement for him.

Thus, he and the fans believe it could be easy for him to undergo this process in nanoseconds. However, due to urgent surgery, things changed quite drastically. Chris has had to remove a boil on his leg. He further mentioned that it’s a type of skin issue that could happen overnight. It further left him off his feet. During the period, he gained 40 Lb, and now he’s afraid whether or not he could undergo weight loss surgery.

1000 Lb Sisters

To everyone’s surprise, the doctor gave him the approval for the surgery. But for that, he needs to lose some weight. The doctor also recognized his efforts to lose some considerable weight. Well, Chris had been working hard to stay in good shape. Thus, he wouldn’t take much time to lose some pounds.

1000 Lb Sisters: Fans Praise Chris’s Stunning Transformation!

Well, Chris transformation had left fans in a daze as he initially weighed 500 Lb. However, within a year, he lost 100 Lb, which is a huge achievement compared to both Tammy and Amy. Shortly fans started commenting that they had no idea about his massive weight loss. One of them even said this is why he’s so hard on Tammy. Well, both Amy and Chris have had great success rates. Thus, being hard on Tammy isn’t that bad. In fact, fans think that only Combs can change the elder Slaton sister’s life because he’s blunt with her, unlike Amy.

Meanwhile, a few fans mentioned how much he had gone through to have a perfect shape. But Tammy, on the other hand, never appreciated that. In fact, she kept yelling at him and her sister, asking them to mind their business. Yet, despite her arrogant behavior, her half-brother never missed any chance to encourage her to stay on track. As of now, fans can’t wait to see their fan-favorite star get on track after his recent setback.

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