Angela Deem’s strange and violent behavior has tarnished her image in front of the 90 Day Fiance viewers. She has created the persona of a villain, and viewers are clearly fed up with her antics. Hence, there have been uncountable instances when they have begged the network to fire Deem as soon as possible.
However, the franchise has never given up on Angela, and it always finds one way or another to bring her back. Hence, viewers have come up with the idea of replacing her with her daughter, Skyla. They are convinced that she would be the perfect choice, and critics have their own reasons for it. What is this all about?
90 Day Fiance: Should Skyla Replace Angela Deem In The Franchise?
Angela Deem has been part of the 90 Day Fiance franchise for many years now. Hence, viewers are well aware of the love she has for her family and daughters. She shares an emotional bond and clearly is attached to them. Apparently, Deem has two daughters and six grandkids, among which Skyla has been a familiar face to the audience.

Skyla has often been featured on the show with Angela. She has always tried her best to talk the latter out of her marriage, as she never really trusted Michael Illesanmi. The star kid felt that dating a younger man from Nigeria wasn’t really a good option for her mother. Hence, fans have witnessed the way she cared for her mother.
But that’s not all. Viewers believe that Skyla is way more rational and mature than Angela. She hasn’t been caught showing violence and shoving people’s faces against the wall during her appearance. Hence, if the network wants to keep going with the legacy of Deem’s family, Skyla would be the best option to keep her mother’s name alive. Viewers are willing to watch her find love in a peaceful manner.
90 Day Fiance: Skyla Is Better Than Angela Deem?
90 Day Fiance viewers are no longer willing to watch Angela Deem on the show at all. They are in no mood to tolerate more of her chaos and violence. Hence, they are now vouching for Skyla’s appearance in the franchise. Apparently, there have been uncountable instances when the family members of the stars have joined the show.

Stars like Jamal Menzies and Debbie came after Kim and Colt, respectively, made their debut in the franchise. Hence, Skyla would be a great option for the network if they are willing to bring someone from Angela’s family to the show. But that’s not all. Viewers have been impressed by the way Skyla has appeared on the show during the last few years.
She never really attempted to steal Angela’s thunder or limelight. She always tried to calm the latter down, which reflected her mature approach to the world. Hence, it is evident that Skyla has a balanced mindset. That could be the reason viewers are eager to watch her take a shot at love on the show. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for the latest 90 Day Fiance tea.