90 Day Fiance: Brandon Annoys Betty With His New Sleeping Plan, Fans Advice Julia On How To Fall Asleep Quickly

When Julia gave Brandon the ultimatum that she would go back to Russia if they didn’t move, he finally got the courage to stand up to his parents. She was sick of doing tasks on the farm against her will and sleeping in a separate room from Brandon. While the couple didn’t move out after he talked to his parents, he negotiated a deal. 

Betty allowed them to sleep in the same room as she didn’t want his son to go away. As expected, Ron was against the idea. However, now that he seems happy with their new sleeping arrangement, Betty is annoyed. Let’s take a look at the details and what’s bothering Brandon’s mum so much.

90 Day Fiance: Brandon Says He Had a Late Night

Brandon stated that sleeping next to his fiancee in his parent’s house is a dream come true for him. According to him, the situation is too good to be true, as reported by SoapDirt. Even though Julia is not on the radar for performing farm tasks anymore, Brandon still has responsibility is as long as he is living in his parents’ house. As expected, Julia doesn’t want him to leave the bed. But he had to leave to help out his dad. However, Brandon got up and didn’t wake up early enough. When he told his mum that it was kind of a late night for him, she got upset and annoyed.

When she pointed out that he was supposed to help Ron in the morning, he told her that he will, just not this morning! Betty then pointed out that he was still bringing Julia tea but isn’t helping out his father. In other words, she implied that Brandon is giving Julia whatever she wants. Even before she has accused Brandon of choosing Julia over his parents. Even though his mother caved in when Brandon was asking for them to let him stay in the same room as Julia, she might be regretting it.

90 Day Fiance Fans Offer Julia Advice On How She Could Fall Asleep Quickly

Now that Julia is sleeping next to Brandon, she stated that she is resting better. But it takes a long time to fall asleep which is troubling the Russian reality TV star. Initially, fans saw her as someone who was trying to milk her fiance for the American dollar. But now that Brandon’s parents seem the main villains, fans are trying to help her. 

Being a night owl, Julia is used to sleeping in late. Some fans suggested that she could take some over the counter supplements including CBD and melatonin. Some others recommended to turn off electronic devices before bedtime and indulge in some intimacy.

Let us know whether you think Betty is going to reverse her decision of letting Brandon and Julia sleep in the same room in the comments below.

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