Daniele Gates has been a prominent part of 90 Day Fiance. She first starred in the Love In Paradise edition with Yohan from the Dominican Republic. She was a tourist there and met her husband while working at the hotel where she was staying. All sorts of hints were already there that he might be scamming her and using her just for her money but she let it go.
As of now, Daniele and Yohan are no longer together. The former is busy promoting herself through her social media. But once in a while, she goes live, sharing her views about the show’s current storylines. Daniele had a lot to say about the Michael and Angela drama. She ended up bashing the meemaw like anything and also supporting Michael!
90 Day Fiance: Daniele Believes Michael Earned His Visa, Calls Angela A Domestic Abuser!
Over the past few years, Daniele Gates became a popular 90 Day Fiance star, first through Love In Paradise then through The Other Way. Alas, her marriage with Yohan didn’t last even after she moved to the Dominican Republic for him. But now, she is back in America and often chats with her followers on Instagram Live. Danielle had a lot to say about Michael and Angela’s case.
Daniele said that TLC would have never aired the episodes if the roles were reversed and if it was a white man treating a black woman that way. The channel would never have shown incidents like wrecking someone’s car or spitting food on them. The 90 Day Fiance star knew why Michael was asking Kobe not to push the matters during the Tell All with Angela.
The New York resident said that these were signs of domestic abuse, and Kobe was making things worse for Michael as Angela would have taken it out on her husband. Daniele believes Michael has earned his visa. He has done so by seven years of work by helping TLC earn money. In fact, he is the reason why Angela became so famous on 90 Day Fiance.
90 Day Fiance: Two Other Castmates Taken Angela’s Side Ahead Of Her Court Battle With Michael!
While most of the 90 Day Fiance cast members are siding with Michael Ilesanmi, some are supporting Angela. The fanbase is having a hard time believing how they approve of someone who has been verbally and physically abusive to her husband on national television. Well, one of the first stars to do so was Loren Brovarnik.

In a live session, Loren mentioned how Michael had “f*cking played” Angela and she couldn’t imagine the pain she must have gone through. These statements really upset a lot of viewers who began bashing her in the comments. A few days go, Jovi Dufren also said Michael didn’t deserve his Visa because he ran away from Angela.
As per Jovi, it meant that Michael was never in America because he loved Angela but for a better opportunity. The fanbase as been bewildered at these statements. Both Loren and Jovi are also losing a lot of followers because of such things. Keep an eye on TV Season & Spoilers for more 90 Day Fiance news.