90 Day Fiance: Michael Illesanmi Finally Entered America? Angela’s New Post Shocks Fans!


Angela and Michael have had the most toxic relationship in the history of 90 Day Fiance. Their love story was off to a rocky start and continued to be that way. The Georgian finally decided to get married to her husband in Nigeria itself. But after COVID-19 hit, they had to separate and be in a long-distance marriage. Angela and Michael have had the most controversial storyline of the show since then. Shockingly, amid split rumors, a new post on Angela’s handle suggests that her husband is finally in America! Is this true?

90 Day Fiance: Angela Reveals Michael Is In America? Fans Suprised!

Angela and Michael have continually showcased their love story from Nigeria. That’s because the 90 Day Fiance stars have not been successful in obtaining a K1 visa to get the latter to America. But the latest post on Angela’s handle made fans feel otherwise. It turns out that the infamous Meemaw shared a photo collage with two other people. In her photos, she was posing with Michael while saying she loved the other two anonymous people. Angela refused to share details about them in the comments section too.

At last, viewers began to wonder if Angela and Michael were together in person after seeing the latest post. Many joked that the Nigerian man should get his green card and run. Others said that it could be an old picture from Angela’s last visit to Lagos, Nigeria. She visited her husband and documented their journey for 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Season 7. There is no confirmation yet if Michael is actually in America or if his wife decided to do a throwback with an old picture.

They have had many rough patches in their relationship. For instance, in the spin-off, Michael was found guilty of cheating on Angela with another American woman. She even had proof. At last, Deem decided to forgive him after she was on the verge of divorcing him in the Tell All episodes.

90 Day Fiance: Michael In America To Film The Couple’s Therapy Spin-Off?

Some recent pictures of many 90 Day Fiance castmates in a Florida resort confirmed that TLC is bringing another spin-off from the franchise. Sources revealed that the new format of the show is going to feature those who have a turbulent marriage. Hence, they will get to partake in couples therapy in a BootCamp, like sitting in a resort. Viewers got to see glimpses of stars like Big Ed-Liz, and Yara-Jovi. Some also spotted Angela, but not Michael.

90 Day Fiance
SOURCE: REDDIT u/zonkiethegreat

But after seeing Michael’s photo on Angela’s feed, many feel he is finally in America. Others also think he might have joined the rest of the stars via video calling for the couple’s retreat spin-off. But there is no confirmation about any of these possibilities. While many fans are hounding Angela’s Instagram to give them some answers, she has not responded. It must be because she is under TLC’s contract and doesn’t have permission to reveal her current relationship status. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest updates.

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