90 Day Fiance: Natalie Mordovtseva Got Liposuction Done To Her Stomach, Waist, And Chin! Talks About All The Minute Details

90 Day Fiance


Most of the reality stars usually do not open up about the surgery on TV. However, 90 Day Fiance star Natalie Mordovtseva is not the same. She talked about her surgery to the fans. She also revealed her secret cosmetic procedure. Moreover, the star claimed that her body was not as slim as it looked on the screen. The star opened the book of liposuction, which is less known to everyone.

90 Day Fiance: Natalie Mordovtseva Opens About Liposuction

90 Day Fiance star Natalie was recently seen to be preparing for her secret operation. She was in the operation theatre, all ready for the surgery. Natalie took it to Instagram to reveal what she actually got done with her body. The star spoke up in an Insta Live, which she later uploaded for the others to have a watch. Natalie got liposuction done to her stomach, waist, and chin.

The star knows that people must be judging her to get liposuction as she is already so thin. However, she claims not to be as slim as she looks in the photos. Natalie says, “without clothes, I wasn’t slim.” Natalie further went on to explain the reason for having liposuction done. Women with big breasts usually have a big tummy. However, when they start exercising to lose weight, they lose it brim everywhere, even from breast and hips. Natalie didn’t want her breast to go away. She likes the way it is and was only focusing on losing weight from her belly. However, the same couldn’t happen because of which she had to go through the surgery.

90 Day Fiance: Natalie Didn’t Feel Any Pain In Surgery

Natalie was really scared before the operation. She thought it to be painful. She later claims that it was not painful at all. The operation went on for almost an hour. The doctor sucked the fat out of Natalie’s belly. She was shocked to see a big jar filled with her yellow fat. Even though she looks slim and fit, she had excess fat stored in her belly. The star will now visit the doctors in two weeks. She has got two weeks to get the loose skin from liposuction gets tightened. She will then have a slim waist. Fans will surely get a look at it. Natalie confirms that she will show the result to the fans.

90 Day Fiance: Natalie Morodstova Will Follow The Heathy Diet Form Now Onwards

Removing fat does not mean that Natalie can eat all the fast food. She will have to take good care of her body now. Until her next procedure, she will show what routine she follows. Natalie claims that one needs to maintain the great result which they got from liposuction. Therefore, she will eat a lot of healthy foods and smoothies.

When asked about how much she spent on liposuction, Natalie says she didn’t spend much. The cost depends on the area from where it has to be sucked and how much amount to be taken out. Therefore, it has a different price for everyone. However, Natalie had very little to fix in her body. Indeed, she didn’t have to pay much. So, will you think of going for liposuction, if needed? The fans will definitely think about it if needed because Natalie’s review seems to be positive and exciting. Let us know your answer below in the comments.

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