90 Day Fiance: Rebecca Got Her Lips Done, Can’t Stop Smiling After She Getting Dysport


90 Day Fiance star Rebecca Parrott recently got her lips done, and she can not stop smiling. Rebecca was seen too happy while she showed off her lips to the fans. The reality star has never looked this younger before. Lately, Rebecca was famous for her high filter photos. However, now she changed the filters to fillers. Rebecca updates her fans about her “Dysport Redone” and “kybella” on neck and chin. Let us take a look below at how the reality star flaunts her new and confident look.

90 Day Fiance: Rebecca Can Not Stop Smiling

Rebecca Parrott got her lips done yesterday. And, she absolutely loved it. The star showed off the perfect curves of her lips in her Instagram story. In this video, fans can see Rebecca having a car ride with her husband, Zeid. She also tagged Ideal Health Medical Center in that story. The reality star also wrote, “I can’t stop smiling.”

Rebecca expressed to her fans how happy she is after getting the lips done. She then went on to ask Zeid, “do you like it, babe?” To this, Zeid instantly replied, “so liking it.” Rebecca Parrott is 50-year-old, but she does not even look a bit like it. She recently got “Dysport redone.” It indeed made her lips wrinkle-free and has perfect lipline. Below you can see Rebecca, all young and beautiful.

90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Rebecca Goes Through Pain For The Beauty

Rebecca, 50, is married to Zied, 28. Even though there is a significant age gap between the couple, Rebecca does not look older than Zeid. She glows equally like him. Rebecca began working on her beauty transformation ever since her recent birthday. Thanks to Sono Bello, she got her new waistline. The reality star was seen showing off her slim waistline in 90 Day Fiance Tell All. However, now Rebecca took a step ahead to make changes in her face. She got Dysport for lips and kybella for neck/chin. However, her fans know that the transformation journey was not at all easy for the star.

Rebecca thoroughly updated her fans about her beauty transition journey. She shared how painful it was for her to get beautiful. She recently uploaded a photo where fans saw her enjoying herself in the cafe with Zeid. The couple was having hookah and coffee in the cafe. 90 Day Fiance star also expressed in the caption how she couldn’t feel her face after the appointment. Rebecca was also seen before to talk about her numbing cream in an Instagram story. She stated, “it doesn’t taste good,” after mistakenly swallowing the cream.

Rebecca also hinted about adding a beauty touch-up to her forehead as the wrinkles have started coming back. Rebecca Parrott is often seen to thank Sono Bello for making such transformation happen in her body. And after all the surgeries and processes, the reality star has become way thinner and more confident than she ever was. Surely she had to pay a lot for it, with the money and pain. Is Rebecca’s pain worth it? What do you think? Let us know in the comment below.

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