Syngin Colchester first appeared in 90 Day Fiance alongside his wife, Tania Maduro. While the couple shared lots of interests and loved each other, they wanted different things in life. The American woman was career-oriented, while her husband wanted to be carefree and party all the time. Now, they are legally divorced, and Syngin is ready for the next big step in his life. His Instagram revealed that the man plans to move out of the USA. Well, the viewers had interesting reactions and responses to this. Keep reading to know more details about it.
90 Day Fiance: Syngin Reveals His Plans To Leave USA! Fans Troll Him Brutally
Syngin was once a fan favorite on 90 Day Fiance. But it all changed after his relationship with Tania Maduro ended. While the latter wanted him to get serious, the man continued to be unemployed, be financially dependent on his partner, and partied all the time. Hence, these reasons caused a major rift in their relationship, and they parted ways. Well, now Tania is happily exploring her single life while her ex Syngin is already in a new relationship with a woman by the name of Shayna. On top of this, the celebrity also revealed his plans to move out of the States.

In a Question & Answers session on Instagram, Syngin got candid about his plans to “relocate.” He stated that he wished to stay in “Thailand” but “indefinitely”. Well, 90 Day Fiance viewers instantly understood that he still isn’t serious about living a career-driven life and is carefree as ever. So, many began to troll him. Some joked that Syngin is not willingly moving out, and his landlord must have kicked him out. Others were glad that the notorious celebrity would be leaving America for good. But fans from Thailand said that they don’t want the man living in their country.
90 Day Fiance: Syngin Will Not Marry His Current Girlfriend, Shayna!
In the same Q&A session with the fans, Syngin answered a lot many questions. The 90 Day Fiance viewers were eager to know if he would ever reconcile with his ex, Tania. Well, the couple recently got a divorce. They were separated before but made it official by signing the legal documents in The Single Life Tell All special. So, Syngin told the audience that life goes on and he already had a girlfriend, Shayna Bee. While talking about his new love interest, he made another shocking revelation.
Well, Syngin said that he has no intentions of marrying Shayna in an upfront manner. Well, he first introduced his new partner on his Instagram last year while sharing a picture of them kissing at the beach. While explaining why he doesn’t want to marry Shayna, the man said that his previous marriage didn’t last long. Hence, it is a good idea for him not to commit again. Well, Syngin and Shayna love to travel and often share pictures and Instagram Reels of their adventures on social media. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest 90 Day Fiance updates.