Days of Our Lives: Kate’s Escape Lands Her In A New Nightmare

Kate Brady’s troubles are far from over on Peacock’s Days of Our Lives. She may have survived purgatory, but the real hell was awaiting her on earth! When she opened her eyes in the cryogenic chamber, she realized her life was in Megan Hathaway’s palm. Ever since then, Kate has been trying to break free of her captivity. She even had to face off with someone she thought was long dead! But hey! so was she! Anyhoo, she has survived a lot to this point, but it seems like there is another big pitfall awaiting her! Will she survive that? Stay on TV Seasons and Spoilers to find out!

Kate Makes An Escape Attempt

Recently, Kate pissed off Megan Hathaway big time by destroying her vials of serum on Days of Our Lives. A livid Megan then ordered a brainwashed Bo to kill Kate off. However, Kate was able to convince Brady to take the gun away from her face. Something tells us that this was certainly not the last we saw of Kate. Days of Our Lives just wouldn’t make Bo the one to have shot Kate dead. That’s just not happening! Thus, we can assume that Kate has survived to live another day and make another escape attempt.

Days of Our Lives

However, this time she might just have better luck and succeed in finding a way out of Megan’s lair on Days of Our Lives. One would expect that getting out of that torture palace would be the end of hell. But nope! This is Salem! It’s probably still just the beginning of their nightmare of Kate. As the woman on the run might soon bump into someone from her past! But who will it be? A friend or a foe? Going by the bad luck Kate has been having, we’d say the latter!

Kate Bumps Into VIVIAN On Days Of Our Lives

Once Kate manages to find an escape route from Megan’s lair on Days of Our Lives, she might find herself out on unfamiliar roads. But that would still be better than being stuck in glass tubes and becoming a subject of experiments! Or is it really? We might soon find out! Kate would hope to find help to get her back home. She might even look for a passing car to request a lift from. However, she might just end up stopping ta very, very wrong passerby! Vivian Alamain!

Yes, we know Vivian is stuck behind bars on Days of Our Lives. But Kate, Marlena, and Kayla managed to beat the Devil and get out of purgatory! How hard would it be for Vivian to find her way out of prison? She could easily seduce or buy her way out, thanks to some horny or greedy prison guards! We repeat this is Salem, anything and everything is possible! History is proof! Thus, when Vivian sees Kate standing by the road, she won’t waste a second in hitting the brakes or hitting Kate’s head with a rock! Well, she would need to incapacitate her to get her to her lair, wouldn’t she?

So when Kate opens her eyes this time around on Days of Our Lives, she would be facing her most horrible rival, Vivian Alamain! This certainly can’t end well! We wonder if this is Days of Our Lives’ way of taking Kate’s character to its end. There has been a lot of chatter about Lauren Koslow (Kate) leaving Days of Our Lives. However, there hasn’t been any official confirmation of it yet. So we will have to wait and find out in the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives.

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