The previous season of TLC Unexpected was controversial like no other. It was all because of Jason Korpi and his girlfriend, Kylen Smith. At first, they appeared like any other regular pair. But trouble began when she had to deliver their baby. He became too controlling and wasn’t letting his partner have epidurals. Many even claimed that TLC showcased abuse on screens! Now, there is another theory circulating on the internet. Some fans feel Jason was so controlling with his baby mama Kylen that he forbade her from wearing makeup!
TLC Unexpected: Jason Korpi Didn’t Let GF Kylen Wear Makeup For Tell All?
Jason Korpi has been creating controversies even after TLC Unexpected’s previous season ended long ago. It all began when he showcased his obnoxious and controlling side in the last few episodes of the season. He was very disrespectful towards his girlfriend when she was struggling to give birth. The teen dad stopped her from taking epidurals and even asked her to “hurry up” when she was in labor! Jason also got kicked out of the hospital for being rude to the staff. But lately, a fan made another striking observation.
As per a Reddit post, a TLC Unexpected fan revealed something. They were watching the Tell All episode and realized something. It turns out that all the young moms from the show were glammed up when they appeared in the special edition. However, Kylen sported a no-makeup look. This made the viewer speculate that maybe her boyfriend, Jason Korpi, forbade her from doing so. They came to this conclusion because of the previous instances on the show of him being dominant in their relationship.
However, some fans didn’t want to assume the worst. They said if it was Kylen’s choice to be makeup-free, then that was okay. But it is all sorts of problematic if Jason was behind it. Well, there is no way of confirming this news. Other TLC Unexpected castmates also tried helping Kylen out and urged her to dump Jason if he had been disrespecting her. But she insisted they were happily in love, and there was nothing they could have done.
TLC Unexpected: Are Kylen & Jason Still Together? Will Appear In The Next Season?
Kylen and Jason have been by far the most problematic pair on TLC Unexpected. As per the abovementioned things, fans remained concerned about the latter. They felt that Jason had been gaslighting his partner. But at last, she didn’t want to be saved, so the other castmates let it be. However, fans have been wondering if the teen couple is still together or not. As per a TikTok post from Febuary 2023, Kylen and Jason confirmed still being together and parenting their baby boy, Xavier.

Then, as per IMDb’s Trivia section, Jason and Kylen are still going strong as of August 2023. Fans have been curious if they will get to see them in the next season of the show or not. But it looks like the young parents have opted out of adapting as reality TV stars. It happened after they received a lot of hate and trolling because of their debut and problematic behavior. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest TLC Unexpected updates.