90 Day Fiance: Emily Moving Back to Russia With Sasha and David?

90 Day Fiance alum Emily recently made some revelations about her plans about moving back to Russia with Sasha and David. Meanwhile, Sasha revealed why he doesn’t want a daughter when they decide to expand their family. Emily also threw some light on what is going on with their family after the filming for their season. Let’s take a look at this in detail. 

90 Day Fiance: Emily and Sasha Talk About Their Current Caregiving Struggles

Sasha told ET’s Lauren Zima that he felt a little stuck being the primary caregiver to their little son. After a month or two, he started losing most of his physical progress. Since he is an aspiring fitness trainer, it can be detrimental to his career. He was trying his best to stay positive and pull off some simple workouts at home. After all, something is better than nothing!

90 Day Fiance

He also revealed that even though David is a calm baby, sometimes, the sudden lifestyle change can be frustrating. According to Sasha, it was a bit weird for him to stay at home while his wife worked. When Lauren asked them about the possibility of a second child, Emily jumped up to say that she made sure it didn’t happen again. At least any time soon!

90 Day Fiance: Sasha and Emily’s Future Living Arrangements

One of the primary storylines of the couples time on TLC was their journey from Russia to America. The couple is now living a stable life in Portland, Oregon. But as now that they are all well settled in the USA, fans want to know whether going back to Russia is in the corner of their minds. Emily stated that she considered having homes in both countries as the ideal scenario.

It looks like it is pretty clear what she wants! She even said that they would love to move back to Russia and live there once again. They are also in contact with Sasha’s ex-wives and his other kids. Some other areas Emily talks about include how TLC edited their scenes to show some misleading content. For instance, when Sasha threw away food. 

Sasha Revealed The Production Made Him Throw Food To Add More Drama

Emily stated that when Sasha first came to America, he did not like the American cereal. He even threw away some junk food and salty chunks. But later, Sasha revealed that the production brought him some snacks to throw around just to add to the drama. Emily also revealed that Sasha’s first ex-wife was lying about their divorce date. She claimed that he got his second ex-wife pregnant while he was with the first. However, Emily says that is not the case.

90 Day Fiance: Emily And Sasha Living Their Best Life With Little David 

If we fast forward their time on the show to the real world today, it looks like Emily and Sasha are living their best life in America. Sasha wanted to be a fitness trainer in the US but the pandemic put a halt to his dreams. Emily was the one working all the while and Sasha decided to stay at home to take care of David.

From the way they talked about their family life, it seemed like they were happy together unlike what the show portrayed. But they did mention that the nationwide lockdown was driving them crazy. Sasha wasn’t used to the idea of being a stay at home dad.

90 Day Fiance: Sasha Not a Fan of Being a Father To a Girl

As for their baby plans, the couple made sure that they are not planning for another child anytime soon. Even when they do, Sasha made it pretty clear that he wants a boy. Apparently, the Russian fitness trainer finds teenage girls dramatic and sensitive. He was worried that when she would be in her teen years, he would have to buy a lot of stuff.

Moreover, he also stated that he’ll always be worried and will give her boyfriends a hard time making sure they’re worthy. All in all, they seemed to put a humorous spin on everything even though things seemed hard for Sasha and Emily. The important thing is that they’re happy together. Even Emily wished that fans got to see more of their silliness and smiles instead of disputes on TV.

What do you think about Sasha and Emily’s current lives? Let us know in the comments below.

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