90 Day Fiance: Tania Gets Health News That Can Jeopardize Syngin’s Plans Of Bartending and Their Future, Undergoes Therapy

90 Day Fiance star Tania has suffered some pretty serious injuries after she had a car accident. She hasn’t been able to work and the couple is currently living off Tania’s savings. However, to make matters worse, Tania’s doctor has given her some news that can further jeopardize Tania and Syngin’s future together. Let’s take a look. 

90 Day Fiance: Tania and Syngin’s Plans On Hold Amid Marital Crisis

Tania and Syngin have been in the middle of a major marital crisis. They planned on moving out of Connecticut. However, Tania was in a car accident which resulted in some major injuries. Consequently, she couldn’t go to work. They were already facing a financial crisis and it worsened after her accident. 

Not to mention, their plans for moving got postponed too. Plus, Syngin is not working. Tania’s accident puts a strain on him to find some work soon. This is also causing some conflict between Tania and Syngin.

90 Day Fiance: Tania Putting Her Life On Hold

In the recent episode, Tania visited her doctor and told him that she feels frustrated while being stuck. The long healing process has paused her life. Meanwhile, Syngin hasn’t really decided what he will do in America. 

The shocking piece of news Tania got stated that she won’t be able to go back to work for another six to 12 weeks. Her right knee was badly bruised and the doctor said that she might experience arthritis after two years. So, to keep the worst at bay, she needs to continue her physical therapy.

90 Day Fiance: Syngin’s Plan To Be a Bartender, Tania Expresses Concern

According to Tania, she is not completely okay with Syngin going back to bartending in America. Even though it was his job in Africa, Tania feels that it’s not a good idea considering his drinking problem. She herself can’t go back to bartending, which used to be her major source of income before her accident. 

She thinks that if Syngin becomes a bartender, he is going to come home drunk every night. Tania also said that he might trivialize his drinking problem by saying that a couple of drinks at work is not a big deal. 

90 Day Fiance: Syngin Frustrated With Tania Amid Trust Issues

Syngin feels that Tania doesn’t trust him enough and thinks that she is just waiting for him to fail. In the news season, Tania stated that things are going to be emotional and chaotic. She also mentioned that if only love was sufficient to keep a relationship alive, they would have been the best couple in the world.

How do you think will Tania’s further restricted movement affect their relationship? Let us know in the comments below.

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