Tania is one of the most hated 90 Day Fiance cast members. But we have to admit that she has a sad story. When Tania participated in the Me Too movement, she got trolled and received a lot of hate. So, she took to social media to reveal that people don’t know all of her. She also goes on to say that her story is not any kind of justification for her behavior. All Tania wants the viewers to realize is that they don’t know her completely. Let’s take a look.
90 Day Fiance: Tania Molested As a Child
When a fan commented on Tania being a part of the Me Too movement, she revealed that someone molested her several times before she even turned five years old. Even though Tania might not be a fan favorite, it’s always upsetting to know a child’s molestation incident.
What Do Fans Have To Say About Tania’s Story?
It’s safe to say that what happened to Tania is tragic. But do fans feel sympathetic to her? Maybe not as much as one would expect they would. We have seen Tania being rude to Syngin on the show. She is high-maintenance, sometimes obnoxious, and always wants to get her way. Moreover, she has pressurized Syngin into doing so much for her; people actually feel bad for the poor guy.
It seems like Tania has now gathered so much hate that fans aren’t as sensitive to her as she might want them to be. One user accused Tania of playing the sympathy card. She also urges others not to fall for her act. Another says that being sexually assaulted at an early age doesn’t give anyone the right to belittle people. In fact, one should approach people with more respect.
One fan stated that if a person uses their trauma to justify their rude behavior instead of healing and to improve, they are their own problem. One user takes issue with the fact that Tania posted the name of the user who made this comment. This means she wants people to punish that person.
90 Day Fiance: Fans Bash Tania For Using Her Trauma As an Excuse
Another opinion states that how someone with a traumatic past treats people is a reflection on them, not their past. Some fans came out with their own molestation stories. One user stated that she was molested at the age of four by some family members. But she doesn’t mistreat people because of it. Some people came to her defense, calling the haters out for being insensitive. Stay tuned for more news on your favorite 90 Day Fiance stars.