Angela and Michael are all set to have a biological child. She is not going to back down and Angela has made it clear. In the preview for 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, we saw her getting an ultrasound where she thought she saw a baby. Well, that wasn’t the case. Let’s take a look.
Angela Saw a Baby In Her Ultrasound
Angela thought that she saw a baby. But the doctor said that it was her intestines. Even though Angela’s maternal age is advancing, the couple wants to have a biological child together. Angela’s doctor said that she had only one egg left. So, she approached her daughter hoping for her to donate an egg. Angela is ready to tote an egg and carry a child whom she can give birth to.
Her daughter refused and but Angela is not the one to give up too quickly. Even though their relationship had been a bit tumultuous, the couple is adamant on having a baby that is biologically theirs.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After; Angela and Michael’s Difficult and Drama-Filled Journey
Michael and Angela have been one of the most discussed couples on the show so far. With visa complications and cheating accusations, they have given a lot to discuss. Initially, Michael got his visa rejected but Angela decided that they could tie the knot to increase the chances of approval the next time.
Michael and Angela’s relationship still have some major pitfalls. For instance, Michael believes that in order to avoid conflicts, a lie would go a long way. They are a couple who fights a lot but then make it up later. However, Angela still wonders whether he is ready to be fully faithful to her.
There was one instance that involved an unusual ringtone Angela has never heard before. She said that it’s different but Michael kept on insisting that it’s a general ringtone. Even though there are so many doubts between them, Angela is confident that they will stay together.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After; Angela Not Going To Be a Submissive Wife
According to Nigerian culture, wives are usually submissive and listen to their husbands. However, Angela is not the one to be programmed into an obedient and submissive wife. She made it clear to Michael that she is who she is. If he can take it, they can stay married. If not, he is free to walk away.
At one point during the fight, she threw her hands up in the air, and Michael told her to put them down. She aggressively asked him to make it happen. The entire altercation escalated to a whole new level.