Sister Wives: Gwendlyn Brown Sides With Half-Sister Mariah In BLM Conflict, Going Against Brother Paedon and Christine

Sister Wives

Sister Wives star Meri Brown’s daughter, Mariah, is feuding with Christine’s son Paedon. And in this, Gwendlyn Brown made it clear whose side she chose in an Instagram Story post. She decided to support her half-sister over her brother. And why did that happen? Read on.

Sister Wives: Gwendlyn Supports Black Lives Matter Movement

Gwendlyn shared a tweet of Jemele Hill on her Instagram story. It read that if you support Trump, you are a racist. She added to it ‘And a homophobe, transphobe, sexist, white supremacist, etc.’ Clearly, the 18-year-old took sides with Mariah when it comes to politics.

Sister Wives: What Went Wrong Between Paedon And Mariah?

Mariah and Paedon’s feud began when the latter shared an Instagram post with the hashtag #bluelivesmatter. Meri’s daughter and her fiancee Audrey are staunch supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd. A Reddit follower commented that Paedon should call her sister, Mariah, and talk to her. However, the 21-year0old Army man responded that she loves Mariah, but the siblings cannot stand each other.

Audrey went on clapping back at Paedon for making this remark. She said that black lives matter, and she does not believe half of what he wrote in the caption. After that, Paedon turned off comments for his post.

Mariah Will Not Associate Herself With Trump Supporters

Mariah shared on her Instagram that she will not associate herself with Trump supporters. He has ‘taken away’ her ‘rights.’ She further added that she is unwilling to side with people who think that money in their pockets is more important than her life and rights. She bluntly remarked that if one chooses to vote for Trump, one is also wanting to not have her in one’s life.

Audrey, Mariah, and Gwendlyn are not currently following Paedon on Instagram.

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