Upload Season 2: Will Mysteries Unravel In Next Season? Creator Greg Daniels Teased Details

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime’s Upload recently landed on the streaming service and took place in everyone’s heart in no time. After binge-watching the entire season, the fans felt all hand-cuffed with the cliffhanging end. Will Upload Season 2 clear out all the dirt that happened in the first season? So many mysteries left unanswered, and the audience wants answers for all of them soon.

This new fantasy drama is set in the far future, where technology is the end of everything, even of life. Nathan (Robbie Amell), the lead, unfortunately, ends up in a car crash, and then pushed by her girlfriend Ingrid (Allegra Edwards) to upload his conscience to Horizen’s Lakeview Hotel. There, he came along Nora (Andy Allo), a customer service rep or “angel” who supervise all the uploads. However, things take a drastic turn when Nathan and Nora finds out that his death was not an accident but a planned event.

Creator Shared Plans For Upload Season 2

In an interview with ComicBook, Greg Daniels, creator of Amazon Prime’s Upload, teased his plans for the second run of the series. When asked about the show’s return on the streaming platform, Greg made clear that he had already planned for two seasons, even before the production of the first season. As he stated, “I think I could see extending it past that, but at the moment, we are writing a second season. We’ll see how things are affected by recent events.”

The audience will definitely get a second season of the fantasy drama. However, Greg also clearly stated that the show would not last for a long marathon. As per his statement, the show is not meant to be 10 episodes, but its also probably not intended to be 100.

Upload Season 2: Who Killed Nathan?

Nathan Brown

In the entire first season, the audience tried to join the dots as who killed Nathan? At the starting of the show, the lead, Nathan Brown, almost dies in a car crash. As the show is set in future fantasy, he is forced to upload his conscience and grant full control of it to his girlfriend, Ingrid. Although it revealed later that Nathan wasn’t dying and could have recovered, and there was no need for any upload. And all of this falls under a conspiracy theory that linked Ingrid’d father Oliver. However, after an in-depth investigation and a whole lot of events, it was discovered that a lot of people were involved in Nathan’s death.

A Tough Journey For Nora

Upload Season 2

Nora, who got involved with Nathan to find out what is the truth behind his death, actually falls for the guy. Although, she is fully aware that Nathan is just a complicated upload and is in complete control of Ingrid. Despite that, Nora tried to give their so-called relationship a chance. And when she was about to bring out her feelings in front of Nathan, he was downgraded to a 2gig plan. He ran out of data before Nora could have to say anything. By the end of the first season, Nora was leaving on a weekend getaway with Byron, her on-off guy. Therefore, the second season will see if Nora chooses the complicated upload Nathan or a real-life relationship.

Upload Season 2: Release Date

The first installment of fantasy drama landed recently on Amazon Prime. Though things are already planned for the second run, as per Greg, the show will take some time to return for its plans. Moreover, keeping in mind this pandemic situation, it looks like the audience needs to wait quite a while for Upload Season 2. For more updates on Upload Season 2, stay tuned.

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