General Hospital:

Top 10 Most Shocking Moments in General Hospital

By Hanshika

Green Star

In a sinister move, Helena orders her daughter's death after a twisted love affair involving Ethan and Irina.

1.Helena Orders Daughter's Death (2012):

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Tracy refuses medication to Alan Quartermaine Jr., revealing a shocking twist orchestrated by her father Edward to test her true intentions.

2. Medication Debacle:

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A pleasant surprise occurs as Laura awakens from a four-year catatonic state, renewing vows with Luke for their 25th anniversary.

3. Laura Wakes Up:

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Amidst celebrations, Luke reveals a shocking secret—remarriage to Tracy during Laura's catatonia, creating a complex love triangle.

4. Luke's Second Bride:

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Georgie develops romantic feelings for her cousin Lucas, leading to a complex web of love involving Lucas and Georgie's older sister, Max.

5. Cousinly Love:

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Nathan confesses his love to Maxie, mentioning Claudette under the influence of pain medication, unraveling a mystery in the narrative.

6. Nathan's Big Secret:

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Brenda steps into a limo after her wedding, which explodes, shocking viewers. She is later revealed to be kidnapped, not dead.

7. Exploding Limo:

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Jerry Jax's hostage crisis in a hotel leads to shocking events, including Alan Quartermaine's death in a major explosion.

8. Hostage Crisis (Jerry Jax):

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Robin returns in 2013 after supposedly dying in 2012, disrupting her husband Patrick's plans to marry Sabrina.

9. Back from the Dead (Robin Scorpio Drake):

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Anthony Zacchara blackmails Tracy Quartermaine into marriage in 2012, showcasing a twisted and controversial proposition.

10. Blackmail Marriage (Anthony Zacchara):

10 Intriguing Facts Unveiled