1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton Lost Weight Because She Was Separated From Amy?


1000 Lb Sisters premiered in January 2020, right before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. It showcased the journey of the Slaton sisters, who were severely overweight and were trying to lose weight. The two made plans and routines for their exercise and diet. Tammy and Amy’s obesity was highly problematic and alarming for their health. The doctors also warned the two to take their weight issue seriously because it could cost them their lives.

Well, Amy worked hard and lost a lot of weight, while Tammy blew out on motivation. The former even underwent bariatric surgery, which fans were happy about. However, the latter fell on the wrong track of food addiction and alcohol abuse. The aftereffect was not the best for Tammy, as she had to be admitted to the hospital. However, the TLC alum has shown a drastic weight loss, but fans feel it is because she was not with her sister. Keep reading to get the whole tea!

1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton’s Life Changed Only Because She Was Away From Her Sister Amy?

Fans keep discussing the Slaton sisters since the release of 1000 Lb Sisters Season 4. The recent episodes showcased Tammy losing more than 200 pounds, which would also approve her getting bariatric surgery. Although viewers are pleased to see their favorite star finally achieve her goals, there is another take on it. One of them took to Reddit to comment that Tammy needed to be separated from Amy to make a change. Further, they added that the distance was beneficial between them in every aspect, and the nursing home provided her with proper care. Moreover, the time away has given her self-time to reflect on her life.

1000 Lb Sisters

Tammy has had several scares and can easily achieve weight loss in rehab. It is a strong comment, and a lot of people agreed with the opinion. The journey of weight loss has been different for the Slaton sisters. Well, Amy was consistent but also weighed lesser than Tammy. Hence, the results were motivating for her to do more. On the other hand, Tammy already did not have significant support. Her former boyfriends instead encouraged her to indulge in unhealthy food and alcohol practices. Also, it was depressing for Tammy that she found comfort in food when she saw the struggle of not being able to fit into clothes of her age.

One should not undermine Amy’s hard work, but she held a positive attitude and had her husband, Michael, back to fall onto. Although Tammy’s family has always stood by her, the depression drove her in various directions. Moreover, people addicted to food usually find a dopamine factor that needs to be rectified to lose weight. Now that her therapist, Dr. Connie Stapleton, is asking her the right questions, the 1000 Lb Sisters star is realizing various things. It will also help Tammy understand the pattern and lose her desire to eat extra portions.

1000 Lb Sisters: Amy Is Gaining Back All The Weight, Faces A Backlash From Fans!

When a person does better than you, it affects you emotionally, no matter how close the individual is. Amy, putting her life together and having a family might have subconsciously influenced Tammy. However, her decision to go to rehab has been the best. The TLC star is on a consistent run of losing weight under supervision. Although things are not the same for Amy, she is the one who needs to pick herself up.


However, she conceived and gave birth to Gage. Fans were surprised to learn about the other baby, which could have proven risky for her. Amy’s weight gain is visible. But somehow, people know she will drop the blame on her children and pregnancy. People who follow 1000 Lb Sisters see that she has a negative attitude of not owning up and blaming issues on situations. How long will Amy go before she realizes it’s high time to start taking her weight seriously? For more exciting news updates, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers.

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