A while ago, fans were watching Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa’s marriage slowly crumbling on the new season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. However, the Samoan celebrity somehow managed to work things out. TLC viewers were pretty satisfied watching things get better between the couple until Pulaa’s mother and sister came to visit him in the US. Now, everything seems to be a lot more complicated than it ever was.
But the good thing is that Asuelu is still ready to stick with his wife and support her when needed. So, he even threw his mom and sister out of his how when they misbehaved. Here’s all you need to know.

90 Day Fiance: Asuelu’s Mom & Sister Create Drama At His House, Ask For Money!
Fans of this popular couple were pretty worried when they heard that Pulaa’s family would be visiting him and his wife in America. In fact, this time, even Asuelu was stressed out as he knew that their visit would cause some troubles in his marriage again. So, he tried to do things right as much as he could and even warned his sister Tammy Pulaa to be on her best behavior. Despite his warnings, his sister said that she would fight them if she feels threatened by the Faagata sisters.
On the other hand, Asuelu also made it clear that he won’t be giving any money to his mother and sister. This is because he has to save it for his wife and children’s survival. However, despite that, his mom Lesina and sister Tammy didn’t stop from mentioning money again and again. Soapdirt pointed out that both of them started begging for money as soon as they landed in Asuelu’s house. Still, he blatantly refused all these demands and favored his wife and kids.

90 Day Fiance: Asuelu Throws His Mom & Sister Out After They Pick A Fight With Kalani!
As fans expected, the idea of Lesina and Tammy Pulaa breathing the same air as Asuelu’s wife wasn’t a good one at all. Despite Asuelu’s efforts, he couldn’t prevent another nasty fight between the ladies. It started as the family started to play White Elephant and picked up gifts for them. This was when Asuelu picked out a special present for his wife, which was a baby blanket.
Kalani criticized her husband’s idea to bring out a personal topic in front of other people. She also made it clear that she doesn’t want to have more babies. The 90 Day Fiance says to the cameras that her life isn’t just to pop out thousands of children. However, her mother-in-law continued to say that it should be her “job” to listen to her husband and have his children. On top of that, Asuelu’s sister Tammy added to this conversation and said that she’d bring a new wife for him from Samoa.
The fight became more and more intense as Asuelu’s family made mean and misogynistic statements. When it was about to get physical, Asuelu stepped in and yelled at his sister and mom. Eventually, he dragged Tammy out of the house. In the new episodes, we’ll get to see the aftermath of this nasty fight. What are your thoughts about the latest episode? Tell us in the comments below. Also, stay tuned to TV Season Spoilers for more 90 Day Fiance gossips and updates.