Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5: “Gore On Canvas,” Know Upcoming Storyline, Release Date, And More

The CW

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5 will bring the infamous work of art. We all know that Ryan Wilder is the new Batwoman. The character is getting used to becoming one. She seems to have adjusted to the new scenario. Well, her modified suit added a twist to the story. With the new Batwoman, the storyline of the show has also taken a new turn. She will face new challenges and difficulties. The character will take her time to get adjusted to the situation and the people. Let us look into the impending details below.

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5: Plot Details And Preview

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5 is entitled “Gore on Canvas.” Norma Bailey is the director, and Daniel Thomsen is the writer of the episode. Kane, Batwoman and Moore will have to do some infamous work to get to the way for Coryana. There is going to be a clash in the Bat-team. Everyone is not satisfied with what they do and how they need to get permission before doing anything.

The episode’s official synopsis reads, “The Secrets Underneath- Batwoman is approached by Commander Kane and agent Moore so as to boost an infamous work of art that reveals the way to Coryana and Kate. Despite her reservations, Luke and Mary convince Ryan to take the assignment, causing tensions with the Bat-team to escalate. At the same time, Alice attempts to fulfill Safiyah’s insidious request. She then slowly discovers that she may not remember everything about her time on Coryana.”

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 6 is entitled “Do Not Resuscitate.”


The last released episode of the ongoing season was “Fair Skin, Blue Eyes.” The episode was full of findings and going back to the past. The viewers saw a young boy interrupting False Face drug society. He asks for help to find his brother, who has been missing for almost two months. Ryan gets a flashback of her future. The character was abducted and brainwashed at the same at the age of twelve.

Candy Lady was the person to abduct Ryan. Moreover, Angelique comes to save her. She then remembers about her friend and the relations between them. Furthermore, Alice asks for Sophie’s help to find Ocean. The finding of the person was as per the order of Safiyah. In return, the character promises Kate’s release.

Alice has some other plan to pursue. She decided to kill Ocean and then Kate. Sophie finds a lab linked to Ocean. Alice keeps following to know Ocean’s location. Kate still needs to be found. Indeed, Jacob puts a reward on her finding. Ryan further moves to live at Kate’s old place. She then gets to know more about Angelique. Will there be some growth in their old relationship? Let us wait for the release to know the answer.

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5: Release Date

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5 will hit the screen tomorrow on February 21, 2021. The release will be at 8/7c on The CW. Stay tuned to the channel to know more. Till then, we will keep you updated here.

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