After the shocking death of Stephen Reid in Coronation Street, Peter Barlow has turned extremely controllable with his anger. His marriage is jeopardised as he lashes out at Carla Connor. Meanwhile, Carla is so caught up in saving the Underworld factory that she forgets about Peter’s pain, which leads to a heated argument. Work conflicts make the already troubled relationship even worse. What do you think? Will Peter and Carla be able to work things out together, or will their marriage fail?
Coronation Street: Carla Connor Is In Danger!
Coronation Street character Peter Barlow is suffering from the guilt of his involvement in Stephen Reid’s death. While Carla Connor is busy preserving the Underworld factory. As Peter Barlow attacks her, their marriage appears to be in trouble. Initially accused of murdering the businessman, Peter was eventually cleared of all suspicion. With tensions rising between him and Carla Connor, his marriage appears to be in trouble.
Peter’s shock after Stephen’s death nearly led him to drink again before his ex, Toyah Battersby, helped him. While Carla is focused on protecting the Underworld factory, which was put in danger by Stephen. Next week on Coronation Street, Carla tells Beth Tinker and Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) that she’s paid their wages for the last month after struggling when the Nippersnapper agreement ended. Carla then states that they will be paid this month if they return to work and finish the order. Beth and Sean aren’t ready to accept, fearing they won’t get paid for their hard work. Carla is frustrated when they say they’ll think about it.

Later in Coronation Street, Sean reveals that Carla had to pay him and Beth extra to get them back to work. However, Peter lashes out at Carla for not telling him about her work problems or considering his opinion. Carla is shocked by his outburst, but might it mean their marriage is in trouble? Will she decide to involve him more? Or will Carla end this marriage, forcing Pater to depart Weatherfield heartbroken? To find out, stay tuned to the TV Season & Spoilers for more Coronation Street updates!