Currently, on Days of Our Lives, Sloan wants nothing more than a happy family life with Eric. However, life is not so easy or even kind to the residents of Salem on the soap. Thus, Sloan and Eric hit a snag with their baby plans when she lost her baby earlier. Tragedy struck once more, when her adoption plans fell sideways too.
As it turns out, the mother of the baby backed-off after hearing of Sloan’s rather scandalous reputation from the past. But does that mean Sloan won’t have her baby dream fulfilled? Well, as long as she has Melinda on her side, she certainly will! Whether or not the dream will last is different story!

After learning that the adoption is not happening, Sloan had an eye-opening moment on Days of Our Lives. She decided to leave her pot-stirring ways behind her and tell Eric the truth about him being Nicole’s baby daddy. But, but, but, even the path to redemption is not so easy to find on DOOL.
Melinda stopped Sloan right in her tracks and told her to not tell Eric unless they had exhausted all other options. Right then, opportunity, sorry we mean, Dimitri knocked on the door! And just like that Sloan had her own version of a stalk delivering a baby!
Melinda Pushes Sloan To Claim Nicole’s Baby As Her Own on Days of Our Lives
As it turns out, Nicole had a car crash with Dimitri and Leo on Days of Our Lives. Which led her to go into early labor and deliver her baby on the road-side. Dimitri was then supposed to take the baby to the hospital, but chose to drop it off with Sloan instead. Thus, giving Melinda a bright but extremely dark idea! She pushed Sloan to accept the baby as her adopted one and pay off a shady doc to say that Nicole’s baby passed. Twisted, right? Well, Melinda’s portrayer – Tina Huang has a different take on it. In an exclusive chat with SOD she stated that Melinda is actually being “protective”.
Melinda truly believes that the baby will be safer with Eric on Days of Our Lives. That is why she thinks Eric – the bio dad, should be raising the baby and not EJ. Even when Sloan declines the idea of stealing Nicole’s baby, Melinda convinces her that it is not stealing as the baby belongs to Eric. “The plan is not rock solid. It’s a big gamble,” Tina admits. Moreover, she asserts that Melinda is conflicted and feels terrible for Nicole. Yet, she feels that Eric is the rightful father and should get the chance to raise his baby. Thus, she hires a shady doc to sign off on the fact that Nicole’s baby did not make it.

The latest Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that Nicole will have a hard time accepting the truth and will demand to see her baby’s body. However, later she will accept the false truth and mourn her loss. Some spoilers suggest that Melinda will offer Nicole a lifeless baby belonging to another grieving mother. But will the truth get buried with the baby? We are certain it won’t! But what remains to be seen is how it comes out, and what happens in the aftermath. So stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more Days of Our Lives updates.