Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Ciara And Ben’s Baby Influenced By The Devil, What Will Be His Life Timeline?

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers

Days of Our Lives spoilers tease that the soap is about to come up with an enthralling storyline in the upcoming days. Not just enthralling but also quite engaging. Speculations are that as soon as Ciara gets her pregnancy news, things will never be normal between Ben and Ciara. Although Ben was already afraid of passing on his killer genes to the baby, now he and Ciara might have to face something even scarier.

The Devil Is On The Way

Days of Our Lives viewers know how the Devil used Marlena to convince Ben to have a baby. Ben believed that if he ever plans for a baby, his killer genes will impact it. But the Devil was able to get his way and now Ben is looking forward to having a kid. The Devil made Ben believe that all his fears were baseless and he should proceed with having a baby. And here is the story that actually began. 

In the recent Days of Our Lives episode, Ben and Ciara were watching Tv when Rosemary’s Baby suddenly came up. Ciara assured Ben that it wasn’t a bad omen. But wasn’t it? According to speculations, the little Bo Brady Weston (the future baby of Ben and Ciara), might have some impressions of the Devil and may follow the story of the film The Omen

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Satan Toddler To Devil Little Boo 

If the speculations are to be believed, the first five years of little Bo Brady will be no nightmare. Instead, Bo will be a quiet and well-behaved child. But it doesn’t mean that nature will also be ignorant about devil imprints on little Bo. 

We know that animals sense the Devil’s spirit much better than humans. So animals might freak out around little Bo. Besides this, Satan’s power might force little Bo’s babysitter to commit suicide. 

Some more Days of Our Lives speculations suggest that it is possible that little Bo will try to kill either his siblings or cousins. Ciara might get pregnant once again after Bo’s birth and the little Devil will kill the baby by hitting Ciara with his tricycle. 

Teenage Satan Bo

With an excellent academic record, Teenage Bo will be awesome. He will make his parents proud. But things might change when he learns about his real destiny. Soap Hub speculates that Bo will try to convince his beloved cousin to join him in evil. But when the cousin denies it, the love for the beloved will not last long. Bo will do something horrendous to his cousin. As of now, we can’t tell how many of Bo’s cousins will become a part of this nightmare. All we can do is pray with the almighty to bless Bo with fewer cousins. 

Days Of Our Lives: The Adult Devil Bo Brady

Almost every adult wishes to take over the world in their adulthood. And so, Bo Brady Weston will be the same. However, his way of trying to do it will be a lot different than anyone else. Days of Our Lives spoilers suggest that he will have all the devilish powers and might want to cause chaos. He will make every attempt to take over the world. Let’s wait how fast the little Bo will turn into an adult.

Whatever will happen, we are here to come up with every minute detail. Comment below and tell us what you think might happen in Days of Our Lives. And also, if you love this article, don’t forget to share. 

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