The latest General Hospital spoilers suggest that an interesting comeback might be on the cards. This is Luke Spencer. While we did see Luke’s memorial taking place, this is a soap opera, and anyone can come and go at any time at all. So, would General Hospital bring Luke back?
Long-time GH viewers would know GH has brought back characters from the dead who we thought could never be revived. So, Luke’s death is still a death we haven’t yet witnessed. Viewers just saw Tracy coming to Port Charles and telling everyone the news. However, our eagle-eyed General Hospital fans suggest that it is possible that Luke could be on his way back to Port Charles.

As per the storyline, Luke died in a fluke accident on a cable car. That is something that we are finding very hard to believe. Not only that, in the recent episode, viewers got to see Victor Cassadine as he spoke on the phone with someone. He said that he “neutralized” Luke.
Knowing Victor, we know that he has a habit of keeping people prisoners. So, could Victor have kidnapped Luke and kept him hostage? It is likely. If that is the case, Luke could very well be back on his way to Port Charles.

Not only Luke, but General Hospital viewers believe that Victor is keeping some other characters hostage too. Holly Sutton is one of them. GH viewers would recall when Drew was being held captive, there was a lot of speculation that a woman was being kept there. Back in the time, the ruckus about that woman being Holly Sutton had started.
So, could she and Luke Spencer be together trying to find a way out? It is a plausible storyline that we will not keep past General Hospital. Would you like to see Luke come back to Port Charles? Tell us in the comments below. Tv Season & Spoilers will keep you updated with all the news about the soap as it surfaces. So, stay tuned.