General Hospital viewers who have been keeping up with the soap know that Franco Baldwin’s name has been popping up a lot on the soap opera. Liz feels that someone is trying to destroy Franco’s legacy, and she has been worried about it. However, long-time General Hospital fans know that GH never really brings up names and story arcs until they have something being built up around it. So, could this be a hint that Franco Baldwin could be coming back?
GH viewers would know Roger Howarth played the character of Franco Baldwin. However, then he returned as Austin on the soap opera. Back in the time, Franco was killed off in the soap. He had scored a confession from Peter about all his crimes. And in that heated confrontation, Peter ended up killing Franco. While everyone had seen Franco’s dead body, this is a soap. So, we wouldn’t put it past them to bring back Franco.

Not only that, given how things are going on, it would be very interesting if Franco returns. As per the latest storyline, Finn and Liz are growing closer. While Liz hasn’t really made any progress with Finn as of now, she will eventually. If Franco returns just in the time when these two decide to move forward with their relationship, it will become very interesting.
Given that Roger Howarth is already on the soap playing Austin, casting Franco won’t be an issue. Soaps have pretty fluid characters. So, it would be just fine if Howarth was called to reprise the character of Franco Baldwin on the soap opera. Would you like to see him back in action? Tell us in the comments below. General Hospital could use Franco’s presence on the canvas right now. So, we will have to wait to see if GH explores that storyline.