LPBW: Jackson Finally Questions Zach About His Dwarfism — “What Does That Mean?”

90 Day Fiance


Zach and Tori have come a long way when it comes to their marital and parenthood journey on Little People Big World They tied the knot almost a decade ago and have welcomed three kids since then. What’s unique about their LPBW family is that all their kids, i.e., Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah, have Zach’s dwarfism.

While Lilah and Josiah are too young to notice, Jackson is slowly able to sense how things are different for him compared to the rest of his peers. Hence, he’s been having questions. The show captured one such incident, and Zach got candid about having the “dwarf talk.” What did Jackson ask? How did his father deal with it? What did he tell him?

LPBW: Jackson Questions Zach About His Dwarfism! It’s Way Too Early

Jackson Roloff is the apple of everyone’s eye. Many LPBW fans have mentioned how they have stuck around to watch the show only for him. His cuteness drives the series, and everyone has been very proud of him. But as the young one is growing up, things have started to change. He is rather observing how different he is from the rest of his peers too quickly and getting close to recognizing his dwarfism.

In an exclusive clip from Today, Jackson asked Zach why one of his friends of average size couldn’t participate in the football tournament. The DAAA, i.e., The Dwarf Athletic Association of America, was organizing the same. So, Zach simply told his son that his buddy wasn’t a dwarf. Poor Jackson didn’t understand, was more confused, and asked his dad what that meant.

Zach tried his best to tell him that’s how God had made him. He didn’t prepare enough to have such a conversation with Jackson this early on. He admitted not having it planned in his head as the questions would keep coming. However, the LPBW star wants to be mindful about not inflicting his own insecurities on Jackson and wants to answer his son “truthfully and carefully.”

LPBW: Tori Also Encouraged Jackson As His Peers Questioned His Dwarfism

It wasn’t the first time Jackson was questioning about his dwarfism. Tori had made a post on her Instagram once about one of her son’s football matches. That’s when his teammates and friends questioned why he was “so small.” The LPBW matriarch assured fans that she didn’t see it as bullying but curiosity.

Tori patiently told Jackson that it was the way that God made him and that he had better show his teammates how fast he was. Well, her encouraging words paid off as he scored a goal on his own. Everyone in his family was stoked, and Tori was proud of him for such an incredible moment.

Do you like seeing Jackson on TV? How did Zach approach his son’s questions? Do you approve of the way he chose to handle it? Tell us how you feel in the comments below. Until then, keep track of all the latest LPBW updates by checking TV Season & Spoilers.

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