The Little People Big World series introduced Zach as a teenager in 2006. Matt and Amy were showcasing their sweet life at the Roloff Farms. Zach was the eldest son of the couple who had a dream to run the family farm someday in the future. He had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders and always helped his dad on the huge property.
The LPBW fans remember the way he managed the Pumpkin Festival every year and stood his dad to the show’s future. But Zach had a rude awakening when his dad denied selling a portion of the land to him. Matt also put the family farm on sale against his kid’s wishes. Since then, these two have never been on the same page and made their distance. Now, it appears that the TLC stars’ feud has ruined the show.
LPBW: Zach & Matt’s Feud Jeopardized Show’s Future!
LPBW stars Matt and Amy Roloff had a dream of watching their kids and grandkids playing on the Roloff Farms. But the family dynamics started changing over the years. The TLC couple parted ways and moved on with their significant others. Still, they hoped for their children to continue the legacy. Matt and Zach remained at odds over the years.
Finally, Zach decided to bid farewell to the Little People Big World series after Season 25. Matt’s oldest son has made it clear that the ship has sailed on the reconciliation plans. He doesn’t feel the need or have any interest in visiting his dad at the family farm anymore. The reality TV celeb preferred focusing on his own family and building their future.
Zach believes that his relationship with his dad will never be the same again. He ended his journey on the reality TV show with the hope that time would heal everything. Meanwhile, Matt Roloff was still hoping that his son would return to the Roloff Farms one day. He wanted his grandkids to play on the farm and live the similar life that he gave to his kids.
It looks like Zach wanted to change his path completely to avoid having any relationship with Matt. He left the show and started his own podcast. The TLC show will never be the same again for viewers after Tori and Zach’s exit. However, things would be different for their fans if Zach and Matt overcome their issues.
LPBW: Will TLC Continue The Show After Zach & Tori’s Exit?
LPBW stars Zach and Tori always stand out for their loving and wholesome storyline on the show. They stood with each other at their toughest phases. TLC fans loved watching the couple and their adorable kids on the TV screens. However, the past few months have been quite emotional for the audience. They have been watching their favorite stars for the last time on TV. Previously, Tori and Zach announced their exit from the show a few months ago.
Matt’s other kids have already distanced themselves from the show. Hence, fans couldn’t find a reason to watch the show anymore in the future. Matt and Amy’s franchise has been with the audience for almost two decades. Hence, the TLC series has become a staple for the audience. Now, we have to wait to find out if the network will continue the show after Tori and Zach’s farewell. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for more updates on TLC about LPBW’s future.