Do you remember Lisa Fleming, the 704 Lb woman on My 600 Lb Life show? TLC has showcased the lives of multiple people weighing around 600 Lbs. However, Lisa was the one on the extreme end. Doctors had to bring seven paramedics to move her from the bed. She had a wake-up call after finding maggots in between her skin. Lisa has been spending all her time in bed since her mother died of obesity. However, she wanted to change her life and joined TLC. So far, the reality TV celeb had lost around 200 Lbs and started living a normal life. Fleming’s goal was to live a healthy life, and she achieved it partly. But she hasn’t been in the headlines these days. Is she still alive?
My 600 Lb Life: What Happened To Lisa Fleming After Losing 200 Lbs Weight?
Lisa Fleming’s weight became a major roadblock to a healthy life. She didn’t want to die like her mother. She was bedridden for years, weighing more than 700 Lb! Moreover, she was using the same bed which her mother used while she was struggling with obesity. Her mother had the same issues. My 600 Lb star was highly affected by her mother’s demise. She started eating to deal with her childhood trauma. Hence, she was using food as her way of dealing with her emotions. But her condition started becoming worse, and she decided to give herself a chance. She was ready to change her ways after finding maggots in the folds of her skin.
Lisa was very happy to become part of My 600 Lb Life before it was too late. She was under the strict guidance of Dr. Nowzaradan and her nutrition therapist. She was partly successful in her journey as she lost around 200 Lb weight. Unfortunately, the reality TV star passed away in 2018 under unknown circumstances. Her daughter Danielle shared the news on social media with a heartbreaking post. Although she didn’t reveal the reason behind her death. However, she was sad about not being there during her time of passing.
My 600 Lb Life: Lisa’s Death Want Not Rated To Her Weight Loss Surgery?
Lisa Fleming’s death after appearing on My 600 Lb Life started making headlines after people began connecting it to surgery. However, Danielle came up to reveal that her mother’s death had no connection with the treatment. She claimed that her mother was sick even before debuting on the show. Hence she fought and became tired after fighting a lot and just gave up. The TLC star’s sudden death left the entire fanbase mourning the loss.

Meanwhile, Lisa claimed that she sat with her mother for four hours while holding her hand after her death. She gave a sad tribute to her mother, who fought a lot for her life. Further, TLC also shared their condolences on her passing. They shared their deepest sympathies with the family and fans of the reality TV celeb. Want to know more about Lisa’s journey? Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for other My 600 Lb Life stars and their weight loss journey.