Kailyn Lowry has been in a lot of news in recent weeks. She was a mom of five kids and then gave birth to two more on November 3, 2023. And now, the Teen Mom star is enjoying the joys of motherhood with her twin newborns.
The star had kept her kids’ birth a secret for a long time. She later revealed it in her podcast. And now, Kailyn has made another reveal but on her social media. She revealed the twins’ names on social media, and the fans are going crazy over them.
Teen Mom: Kailyn Has Finally Selected Names For Her Twins
As reality TV enthusiasts, fans are always curious about what Kailyn is up to. The former Teen Mom star has many fans who have their eyes on her every move. So when Kailyn kept the twins’ birth a secret, fans made up their own theories. However, she eventually told the fans about it. And now, she has made another reveal about the babies.
Kailyn posted a video on her TikTok to introduce the names of her twins. In the February 9 video, the star recorded herself, Elijah, and their twins in the nursery. There were small glimpses of the twins, such as their tiny fingers and toes, their pacifiers, etc. Kailyn cradled the babies, each with their individual blankets.
The baby blankets had the kids’ names on them. Kailyn’s daughter’s blanket had the name ‘Valley’ on it, while her son’s had ‘Verse.’ The star also had her own blanket with both the names on it. She wrote how her family was “complete” and “whole” in the caption. And while it was an adorable video, the fans had divided opinions about her name choices.
Many Teen Mom fans loved the video and the names. They wrote that the names “fit” the kids perfectly. Some even congratulated Kailyn. However, another group was furious. They hated the names. Some called Kailyn weird for naming her son “Verse.” They opined that she had “9 months” to come up with a name and made a “horrible” choice.
Teen Mom: Fans’ Divided Opinion about Kailyn’s Babies’ Names
Kailyn finally revealed her babies’ names. She made a very sweet TikTok video for the announcement. The Teen Mom star even mentioned the twins making her family “complete” in the caption. It was an emotional moment for her as she had also revealed the hardships of her twin’s birth. However, the fans were divided in their opinion about the twins’ names.
Many loved the names. They thought they were perfect for the kids, “especially Valley.” One fan even mentioned they had “gasp(ed)” in joy hearing the babies’ names. But the names did not impress many fans. They felt that the choices were “horrible.” One fan mentioned Kailyn was “using random words out of the dictionary” to name her little ones.

Another fan called her a “weirdo” for using the names “Valley and Verse for her daughter and son, respectively. They think she is behaving too weirdly, even for a “celebrity.” Do you also think Kailyn chose weird baby names? Let us know, and stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for the latest Teen Mom updates.