16 and Pregnant is an American reality TV show that follows the lives of pregnant teenage girls. The series showcased the hardships of teenage pregnancy and how they prepare to be a mother at a young age. Each episode featured a different teen, throwing light upon their relationship struggles and family dynamics.
Whitney Purvis made her debut on Season 1 of the MTV show. However, she was not selected to be a part of the widely popular Teen Mom series. Over the years, Whitney has often caused controversies and made headlines because of her controversial behavior. The mother of three has recently encountered another legal case. Find out the details here.
Teen Mom: Whitney Purvis Ordered to Serve 48 Hours In Jail!
Whitney Purvis made her last appearance on Television on 16 and Pregnant. She was later not seen on Teen Mom, possibly because of her multiple run-ins with the law. During her episode on the MTV show, Whitney prepared to welcome their first child, son Weston Jr. with her former boyfriend Weston Gosa.
She shares another son, River, with him. The pair initially broke up in 2011 after Whitney grew tired of Weston’s alleged lazy lifestyle and inattentiveness to their children, as reported by DailyMail. They permanently separated shortly after the birth of their second son.
After Whitney allegedly refused to comply with a 2018 court order, the court granted Weston the legal and physical custody of both Weston Jr and River. The Teen Mom star also has a son, Collin Adonis, who she welcomed in May 2023. She has not yet revealed the father of her baby. In a startling development, they arrested Whitney once again after a Floyd County, Georgia, judge found her guilty of failing to pay child support to her baby daddy, Weston.
There were orders for her to spend 48 hours in jail and pay an additional $20 per month towards back support on top of her pay her current monthly payments of $353. According to the US Sun, the court required Whitney to participate in the Parental Accountability Court Program. However, she failed to do so.
Teen Mom: Whitney Purvis Issues An Apology!
Whitney has previously gone behind bars. In 2012, officials arrested her for allegedly stealing a pregnancy test from Walmart. Later that year, there were accusations against Whitney and Weston for destroying property, including a cell phone and computer. In 2021, The Teen Mom star was arrested for felony terroristic threats against her ex-Weston and for attacking him with a broom. She was released the next day on a $5,000 bond.
Whitney later took to Facebook to apologize for her actions. She wrote, “I truly apologize if you’ve met me or had to deal with me during this toxic period. I was a really lost, hurt, angry, and traumatized person with some pretty terrible coping mechanisms and didn’t know how to deal with any of what life was throwing at me.” She added, “Never underestimate the power of therapy, self-discipline, and God. Time to finally grow and live up to my potential and learn to stop self-sabotaging.” Keep checking TV Season & Spoilers for all more updates on Teen Mom.