Tammy and Amy Slaton have been a part of 1000 Lb Sisters where we saw Amy make some really great progress. Tammy shortly followed and started making some improvements just like her sister. But this year back in January, Tammy shared that she was feeling extremely ill. She added that it might have been flu. But she recently revealed that she contracted the coronavirus. Let us take a detailed look at this.
1000 Lb Sisters Tammy Jealous of Amy?
When Amy’s weight loss surgery was a success, it looked like Tammy had her own moments of intense jealousy. Considering that she didn’t qualify for the bariatric surgery in her first attempt, it was somewhat expected. When Amy arrived after the successful surgery and flaunted her new look to the entire family, Tammy didn’t same as happy as she should have been. But eventually, she did find a way to be happy for her sister. Amy has always acted as a great support system for her sister. No matter what happened, she was always there for her.

1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy’s Struggle with weight loss on the show
When Tammy revealed that she was suffering from the flu, she implied that it was more troublesome for her because of the extra weight. Her sinuses were blocked and she also suffered from terrible chest congestion. Moreover, she wasn’t even able to shake the blocked sinus. Even though she might have lost some of the extra weight, she isn’t as mobile as one should be. This might have been the reason behind increased chest issues earlier this year.
Recently, she made the revelation on her YouTube channel that she contracted the coronavirus. Even though it looks like she was ill, the good part was that she was able to talk. Unfortunately, according to the recent news, Tammy was diagnosed with pneumonia. After spending one week at home being sick, Tammy had to go to the hospital. Fortunately now, the reality TV star is expecting to go home pretty soon.
1000 Lb Sisters, the show would probably never get renewed
A long time back, Tammy made it clear to fans that the show might never be renewed again. When they first started on the show, the Slaton sisters crossed 1000 pounds if we consider the combined weight. but Amy took some prompt measures to improve her situation and like her sister Tammy. She is now married and has always wanted a child. However, considering that Tammy wasn’t able to bring her life back on track, Amy and her husband are somewhat responsible for fulfilling her day-to-day needs.
When she was at her worst, Tammy reached a point where she was just hoping for death to knock on the door. Of course, now the situation is much better considering that she was relieved as she got better. Tammy is one of the high-risk categories when it comes to surviving Covid-19. she already had some pretty serious underlying medical conditions that made the illness more serious for her as compared to that of the common masses.
There is a chance that the former reality TV star might encounter some complications even after her recovery. We sincerely hope that she recovers soon and live a long and happy life. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.