Just when we thought 90 Day Fiance star Colt’s mom won’t be able to resent any other woman more than Larissa, enters Jess! It looks like Debbie finds her so intolerable that she actually said she prefers Larissa over her. Now, we all know how much she hates Larissa. Let’s take a look at why Debbie is not a fan of Colt’s new flame.
90 Day Fiance: Debbie Thinks Larissa is More Trustworthy and Better Than Jess
Debbie accused 26-year-old Jess of dating Colt only for the green card. However, Jess denied it to the core. Still, the famous 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After mom is not satisfied. We know how badly Larissa and Colt’s relationship ended. After plenty of explosive fights and three arrests, Larissa and Colt decided to call it quits.

However, shockingly, when asked about goodness and trustworthiness, she ranked Larissa above Jess. As expected, Colt as surprised by Debbie’s answer. Never in a million years, he would have guessed that his mom preferred someone who falsely accused him of domestic violence over Jess.
Debbie Calls Larissa Honest Evil and Jess a Mystery
According to Debbie, Larissa is evil, but at least, she is honest about it. She knows what Larissa is about and can trust her. However, Jess is a total mystery to Debbie. She straightaway called Jess dishonest and said that she is out there.
Debbie insisted on Jess wanting nothing more than money and citizenship from her son. After a while, she said that she likes Jess. However, Debbie doesn’t think that she is the right match for her son. She also believes that even though Jess wants to get married, she is not ready to commit to one. The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After star also pointed out that Jess is a party girl, as opposed to her son.

90 Day Fiance: Colt Acknowledges His Tendency To Jum Into Relationships Fast
Colt understands his weakness and acknowledges that he jumps way to quickly into relationships. Debbie thinks that Jess tracked Colt down and contacted him. When they met, Colt wasn’t looking to date at all. Also, the fact that the couple started talking baby names after meeting in person only twice really freaked Debbie out.
On the other hand, Colt mentioned that he thinks its fun to talk about the future as they feel connected. It feels like they have something to look forward to. However, he also admitted that most of their connection is based on passion.
What do you think of Debbie preferring Larissa over Jess? Sound off in the comments below.