90 Day Fiance News: Robert’s sister recently made a shocking revelation about their family. Their mom was murdered in 2011, and that still hurts them as much. A while back, Robert’s sister Robin met Anny, and they seemed to like each other. They even went dress shopping together. Let’s take a look at it in detail.
90 Day Fiance: Anny Getting Along With Robert’s Sister
Anny and Robert have been facing a lot of issues in their relationship. In the beginning, when Robert met Anny for the first time, he knew that she was the one. So, he proposed to her within eight hours of meeting her. However, problems started to creep up soon with the couple, and money became a prominent issue.
There have been times when Robert has lied to Anny and has not been open about his financial situation. When Robert took Annie to a used clothing store, she was horrified. Anny was expecting him to take her to a branded store. She has also been upset about them not moving into a bigger apartment.
90 Day Fiance: Robin Drops a Bomb On Anny
Robin straightaway tells Anny that Robert is poor. Robert immediately retorts by saying that he isn’t poor. For him, living in the streets is the definition of the poor. However, Robin tells him that he is not rich either. Anny also revealed that she is not satisfied with her sex life. She wants to be intimate at least three times a day. However, Robert is up for only Friday to Saturday.
Anny seemed to have bonded well with Robin. They also went together to shop for Anny’s wedding dress. When she finds the perfect wedding dress for herself, she breaks into tears and wishes her late mother was there with her. Robin can relate to how Anny feels as she lost her mother.
90 Day Fiance: Anny Bonding Well With Robin
Anny tells the cameras that she fells Robin likes her. She compares her experience of meeting Robin with that of meeting Bryson’s grandmother. Let’s recall how that went. Diamond Foxx, as we know her, asked Anny some really personal questions and made her uncomfortable. She even asked Anny what kind of birth control she and Robert used.
Her reason for asking such an in-depth question was that she wanted to know the woman who was going to spend a considerable amount of time with her grandson. However, Anny got annoyed and left. After that incident, meeting Robin must have been a big relief for her. Do you think Robert’s sister can help improve Anny’s relationship with her brother? Let us know in the comments below.