It seems like 90 Day Fiance MVP Rosemarie Vega is getting back at Ed for every embarrassment he ever put her through on Television. She took to social media to give him a piece of her mind and fans are rooting for her. Let’s take a detailed look at how it all went down.
90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days; Rose Cursing Ed Online
According to Rose, Ed will live alone because he doesn’t know what real love is. She considers that there are two parameters for love. They are, being a helping hand, and acceptance. She said that he met her only for fame. Rose also mentioned that the show bears the expenses. We can assume she meant the travel expenses for flying back and forth for filming.

She also asked a rhetorical question about who is the real gold digger in this situation. Before Rose left some pretty intense hashtags, she called Big Ed fame wore. Now, as for the hashtags, she took a solid dig at Ed by mentioning the #ednoneck, #biged followed by #smallsoul and #PIG.
What Do Fans Have To Say About Rose Slamming Big Ed?
One fan pointed out that there is a chance that it’s not Rose who typed all this. But even if it isn’t, fans are of the opinion that Ed Deserved this. Moreover, some fans were proud of Rose for roasting him publically after what he put her through.
As we can recall, the first time Ed was being inappropriate with her was when he asked her to take a test for an STD. According to viewers, it was offensive and downright inappropriate. Later, he decided to make up for being a jerk to her and we got to see some really creepy and cringeworthy scenes.

He gave her a foot massage and asked her if he could kiss her to which she reluctantly said yes. Ed also got way too personal with her when he was asking questions about Prince’s father. She was uncomfortable answering questions about her ex but she did anyway. Finally, Ed let it go when Rose told him that Prince’s dad is a family man now and that they haven’t been in contact with each other for years.
Rose Mocks Rose Over Not Shaving Her Legs and Her Not So Pretty Breath
When he asked Rose to shave her legs to appear more attractive to him, he crossed the line. Topping over the bad deeds, he gifted her a toothbrush and a mouthwash as her breath didn’t smell pretty according to him. That was after he knew that she had a stomach ulcer.
Time after time, Big Ed embarrassed her in front of millions of viewers. His fan following gradually declined and now Rose is having her revenge slamming him publically on social media. Sound off your thoughts in the comments below.