As if the roadblocks Armando and Kenneth had to face in their relationship weren’t enough, their marriage license in Mexico has been denied. It didn’t even seem like a discussion. It was like the couple visited the marriage office and they got a negative answer straight away! Of course, the information in the constitution and according to the laws contradicted each other. Let us take a look at this in detail.
Kenneth And Armandos UnSuccessful Attempt To Get a Marriage Licence In Mexico
The audience are taking a special interest in their story since they are the first-ever gay couple on the franchise. Armando mentioned that for a few years, he and Kenneth have been playing around with the idea of getting married. But according to the preview of the recent episode, they were ready to make it a reality. The happy couple went to the marriage office to apply for their license only to face massive disappointment.

The woman in charge over there gave them a negative answer which confused Armando to a great extent. He said that according to what he read online, same-sex marriages were not illegal. But the clerk replied that even if the constitution supports gay marriages, there is a law that says that you can’t. Apparently, they don’t have the legislation for the reformation of their code. That’s the one that says that they can’t allow homosexual marriages to go through. Confusing, right?
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Armando’s Confusion And Kenneth’s Disappointment Is Clear
After the couple got the negative answer they dreaded, Armando still didn’t understand what the clerk was trying to say. Since they were a lot of contradictory statements, it confused him. On the other hand, the denial appalled Kenneth on every level. The fact that it was without a valid discussion infuriated him even more.
Even though there are several hurdles in the couple’s way, they still seem determined to stay together. They have tolerated inappropriate slurs in the past due to the public display of affection. The couple has also been dealing with Armando’s family’s disapproval. But it looks like the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way couple is not going to back down. No matter what happens!
It is extremely heartbreaking to see that the best and the least dramatic couple on the entire 90 Day Fiance franchise undergoing such adversities to unite in Holy Matrimony. Do you think they will ever be able to tie the knot in Mexico? Let us know in the comments below.