Black Lightning Season 4 will be a season of another scope. The third season of the series ended recently, and now the fourth season will be on the way soon. The fourth season will have a change in direction not just in terms of plot but also in the scope. There are a number of plots that will be introduced in the upcoming installment.
The third season called “The Book Of War: Chapter 3: Liberation” was a season that left fans drooling. They saw the final battle in the Freeland play out. The Markovian army took over the city. The ASA fled and only stopped to cover their tracks and destroy the evidence of crimes they have committed. This left Black Lightning and all his allies to protect the citizens.
Now that Black Lightning season 4 is in talks, it will soon land on our screens. Here are all the details about the incoming installment.
Black Lightning Season 4: Confirmed?
Black Lightning Season 4 was is already confirmed. The show got renewal in January 2020. There were a number of shows that got renewal along with this show. It included other superhero shows based on DC Comics. The show most probably is not the most popular shows that make up the Arrowverse, but Black Lightning still has solid viewership. The show will even get more viewers as now it is set on Earth-Prime.

When Is It Coming? : The Release Date
Black Lightning Season 4 will return sometime in the Fall of 2020. Although the official release date yet to be announced. The show has been following the same release date patter for the past two years. So, there are possibilities that the fourth installment of the series might release some time in mid-2021. The schedule for the show timing is also unknown at the moment.
What Has Happened So Far?
One of the biggest things that happened in the Black Lightning season 3 finale was the revelation about ASA and the metahuman. The biggest takeaway of the season was that ASA wasn’t the metahuman children they created. The time they were stabilized. In the final scenes of Black Lightning season 3, both Thunder and Lightning testified in front of congress.

There they testified about all the crimes ASA committed when they were at Freeland. Along with that, they also offered a brief-case full of confidential ASA documents. These documents were proof of their campaign ASA was running for creating an army of super-soldiers. They were experimenting on children on Freeland. This lead to an immediate dissolution of the ASA. The same congress committee investigated the incident on the land. They also authorized the funding for a boarding school that Dr. Lynn Stewart has proposed for. This was for the special needs of metahuman kids.
Black Lightning Season 4: What Is Coming Up?
In the fourth season, there are possibilities that Jefferson Pierce will be more involved. Jefferson Pierce is a beloved educator, a very respected citizen of Freeland, and the ex-husband of the doctor who was taking care of the school. Now Jefferson will help in managing the school when the school starts. Jefferson might even recruit some young metahumans to save the city. Only people who have the same motive will be recruited in the school.
The future will not have all the sunshine. ASA might shut down, and Agent Odell might go to prison bus Tobias Whale might come back to claim his seat on the throne of Freeland underworld. Minion Lala is currently in charge of the seat. He has now revived Lady Eve and the also the Shadow board. It seems less likely that the whole crown passing will be peaceful. Gravedigger is alive and free, so there is are a lot many challenges on the way for the heroes when Black Lightning Season 4 comes back.