90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem has some toxic habits and attributes. That is the reason why she always ends up receiving backlash from her viewers. The celeb has undergone several surgeries while her doctors have begged her not to get back to her toxic lifestyle. But Angela has never stepped back and is continuing with her habit of smoking. Amid all this, fans were in shock when she decided to visit a dentist and get her mouth fixed! Viewers wondered why she was doing this while she still smokes and carries on with her old habits! What is she up to now?
90 Day Fiance: Viewers Call Out Angela For Getting Dental Care Without Quitting Smoking
Angela Deem, the star of 90 Day Fiance, has often received backlash for her never-ending addiction to smoking. When she underwent weight loss surgery, her doctors made it clear that she would have to quit smoking at all costs. But the celeb ended up lighting cigarettes when even on a hospital bed. Since then, there have been several instances when fans noticed her carrying on with her toxic habit. Amid all this, Deem is getting some dental care and is trying her best to fix her mouth!
Recently, Dr. Matt Saro took to Instagram and posted a carousel of pictures with Angela. He revealed that the latter was back to “finish her treatment.” The celebrity doctor further added, “Never a dull moment when she’s in the office.” As per Matt, his team is loving to “reconstruct” a “healthy mouth” for Deem. He also hoped that he would be able to make Angela “quit” smoking! Several viewers took to the comment section and claimed it makes no sense that the celeb is trying to get dental care while she is still smoking. Someone even wondered, “Why even do all that work if she continues to smoke?.” Another one added, “You know that’s not happening.”
90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem Has Been A Smoker For 40 Years Now
90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem and cigarettes go hand in hand. She started smoking when she was 13 years old and hasn’t left it to date. Apparently, because of this, the celeb’s teeth have gotten worse over the years. Deem ended up losing most of her teeth just due to her habit of smoking and also got an infection in her mouth. Though Angela is on a health journey with Molly Hopkins, there have been several instances when fans caught her lighting cigarettes. Recently, she shared a clip of her healthy meal, which was accompanied by a cigarette packet!

So, as per the current scenario, Angela Deem has been struggling with smoking addiction for around 40 years. Now, fans are concerned regarding her lungs and health. The celeb’s gums and teeth are deteriorating because of her toxic habit while her menopause is also coming on. Amid all this, the most ironic part is that Angela wasn’t able to live a long life. She wants to spend quality time with her grandkids and Michael. Hence, viewers are now begging her to get back on track if she really wants to save her life. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest 90 Day Fiance tea.