Memphis and Hamza’s 90 Day Fiance was initially fruitful but got problematic. At first, the couple overcame various obstacles like an age gap, language barriers, prenup arguments, and so on. However, their relationship began to deteriorate once the foreigner came to the USA. Now, fans think they are on the verge of divorce and not living together. Yet, Hamza and his family’s troubles don’t end there. That’s because they accused Memphis of not letting them interact with her and Hamza’s daughter. Keep reading more for all the answers.
90 Day Fiance: Memphis Keeping Her Daughter Off-Limits From Father Hamza And His Family!
Trouble doesn’t seem to end for 90 Day Fiance stars Hamza and Memphis. Once they made their move to America, viewers began to see signs of their failing relationship. Hence, they stated the couple rushed into things too quickly, especially after having a baby together. However, both their social media posts also hinted they are living individually now. Well, the actual shock came when Hamza’s sister Rawia made some shocking revelations.
Through an Instagram story, she talked about her niece, i.e., Hamza and Memphis’ daughter. TV Season & Spoilers reports that Rawia claimed her family was “deprived” of seeing the little one. Hence, she also stated her sister-in-law is “without feelings”, meaning she lacks emotions. Later on, Hamza also made an upsetting post on his social media, stating he was “tired and quite sad”. As his last posts involved him meeting his little girl, viewers assumed the current post was in relation to that. As a result, 90 Day Fiance fans took to Reddit to discuss this matter. In fact, a lot of them believed the young father should take things to court as he has “parental rights”.

However, his former lover, i.e., Memphis, has not yet shed light on these allegations. Therefore, some fans are waiting for both sides of the story to make sense of this circumstance. Until then, they are patiently waiting and keeping track of their social media.
90 Day Fiance: Memphis Confirms She Is A Single Mother?
Although there are various cryptic posts about their failed bond on their social media, Memphis and Hamza have not yet openly addressed their relationship. Moreover, some leaked screenshots between the couple revealed things were pretty rough between the two. Hence, fans think divorce might happen soon. Other than that, some 90 Day Fiance followers believe Memphis dropped a massive hint about her relationship status.

It turns out the mother-of-3 took to her social media to talk about breastfeeding. In fact, she encouraged all fellow mothers on her social media to share their own experiences about the same. Yet, viewers noticed something distinct in her caption. It turns out that Memphis had put up the hashtag ‘single mother’ while making the post. As a result, viewers believe she and Hamza are now nothing more than co-parents and definitely exes at this point. Despite this, both of them remain tight-lipped when it comes to discussing their relationship online. Keep checking TV Season & SPoilers for more 90 Day Fiance news updates.