Days of Our Lives has risen the intrigue value of the soap through the roof with its latest round of revelations. A storm that came attached to Vivian’s coat tails has now become so massive that it might blow up many existing relationship dynamics in the Kiriakis household. In one the the recent episodes of Days of Our Lives, it was revealed that Alex is actually Victor Kiriakis’ son and not Justin’s. But is it really the whole truth? Or are we missing something really obvious? Well, dive right in to find out!
Victor’s Amended Will and Accompanying Letter Reveals A Truth
When Vivian Alamain stormed in claiming to still be married to Victor Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives, Justin decided to dig up the truth. However, much to his shock, he discovered at the registry office that Vivian was indeed telling the truth. He then enlisted Brady and Alex to go to Greece to look for clues. Because, considering Vivian and Victor’s marriage and lack of the latter’s will, all the inheritance was falling in Vivian’s kitty. But, it was actually Theresa who pulled in some documents that could save Victor’s wealth from Viv’s claws.

Theresa received Victor’s briefcase from her father that she then handed to Brady and Alex on Days of Our Lives. Which they swiftly passed on to Justin and Maggie. When the duo checked the contents, they found Victor’s amended will that promised half of his estate to an unknown son. Furthermore, they found a letter penned by his mystery son’s mother. The letter informed Victor that her son is actually Victor’s, but she requested him to keep it a secret since their son was being raised by someone in the Kiriakis family. As it turns out, the letter was written by Angelica. Which meant that her son, Alex, is actually Victor’s son, not Justin’s!
Days of Our Lives: Could Theresa Have Meddled With The Contents Of The Briefcase?
This truth bomb really blew up Justin internally on Days of Our Lives. The latest spoilers tease that Alex too, will have a hard time comprehending his new reality. He will feel deceived, angry and cheated. Alex will struggle to make sense of why Victor would lie to him all his life like that. Well, we have to admit that it indeed was a shocking reveal. But when you come to think of it, how much does it change and impact the storyline? Victor and Angelica are both dead. So it’s not like there is going to be a whole reunion storyline.
Moreover, Alex was and will remain a Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives. Previously, too, he had wealth and power, so it’s not like this reveal will take him from rags to riches. So what was the need of this twist? What if this isn’t the real twist? What if someone else is actually the secret son Victor mentioned in his will. Maybe Xander? He did have an unexplained bond with Victor. In fact, he is still reeling in the shock of never getting a chance to smooth things over with the big man. In light of that, Xander being revealed as Victor’s son would have been more explosive. But it still can go that way.

There is a possibility that Theresa or someone else could have changed the letter in the briefcase. Figuring out who and why will give a bonus mystery track! What do you think? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more Days of Our Lives news and updates.