General Hospital loves to spin riddled tales of uncertainty and conundrums. Ever so often the characters find themselves trapped in situations that seem to have no other way than crashing and burning. But then voila! a miracle happens and they emerge victorious. Alternatively, sometimes characters pull off ridiculous stunts and then head towards the clear. But just as a sense of relief starts to set in, an unforeseen bomb explodes! We have seen that go down so many times! And we are about to witness it all over again with Nina Reeves being on the receiving end this time!
Nina Feels She Has Dodged The Bullet
Previously, on General Hospital, Nina Reeves lashed out in a fit of rage and pulled a trigger that has the scope of backfiring at her massively! She had chanced upon some intel about Carly and Drew’s dalliance in insider trading. Taking advantage of this ammunition, she entrusted lawyer Martin with the task of passing on the info to the SEC. Nina hoped that Carly will get embroiled in the legal mess and probably end up behind bars. Thus, getting out her path for a long time.

However, Drew took the fall for both, himself and Carly, on General Hospital. Although Carly did lose all her wealth to the SEC fines. But this little victory failed to bring Nina any joy! In fact, it has only become a noose around her neck! Once the initial high of having landed Carly in trouble passed, Nina realized that if Sonny and Willow find out that she was the one who leaked the intel, they would walk out of her life for good. She spent an extended period of time sweating bullets and living in fear.
However, recently, Martin informed her that the SEC is no longer putting pressure on him to reveal his source. This brought Nina some relief as she felt that she has finally landed in the clear. But has she really? Or is the worst about catch her totally off-guard?
Besties Turn Foes On General Hospital
Interestingly, Martin is not the only one who is aware of Nina’s dark secret on General Hospital. She had earlier confided about it to her best friend, Ava Jerome. Moreover, Ava was the one who made her realize the blunder she had made, and the consequences she may have to face, if the secret ever comes out. Ava point blank told Nina that if Sonny ever found it, she will have to kiss their relationship goodbye! Furthermore, she encouraged Nina to come clean to Sonny before he finds out the truth from someone else.

Later, Ned Quartermaine ended up finding out that Nina was the one who ratted Carly and Drew to the SEC on General Hospital. But as we know, he currently believes himself to be Eddie Maine and so no memory of anything that he knew as Ned. Thus, eliminating him as the most obvious person to expose Nina! But if not Ned, then who? Well, well, well! Imagine, what would it be like if Ava ended up being the one who does it! Sure, she has Nina’s best interest in mind. But such things tend to change at a rather rapid speed in Port Charles!
Currently, Ava is neck deep in troubles of her own. Which she is keeping a secret from Nina. Moreover, Sonny is heavily involved in solving Ava’s problems! In one of the recent episodes, Nina asked Sonny what he has been hiding from her. There is a possibility that Nina could get suspicious over what Ava and Sonny are up to together while she is being kept in the dark. This may lead to a confrontation of sorts between the three. And if Nina says something out of the line to Ava, there is a chance the latter would retaliate by outing Nina to Sonny! BAM! Just like that, in a split second, Nina’s would would come crumbling down! How do you think Sonny would react to that? Stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more General Hospital updates on that!