A conversation about General Hospital is never complete without discussing the possible returns of at least a couple of many iconic characters that have fallen off the canvas over the years. One prominent name that comes up more often than others is, Jason Morgan. Popular Daytime star Steve Burton portrayed the character of Jason to such excellence that he has made a permanent place in that fans;’ hearts. And there is hardly any long term viewer of the ABC soap that isn’t waiting for his return to the fold.
In a recent chat with Soap Opera Digest, General Hospital star Kelly Monaco shared her thoughts about the future of her character’s love story with Jason. “Sam and Jason were always the end game,” she insisted. Kelly stated that Sam has had many relationships on the soap, but none of her partners can ever measure up to Jason. He was and will always remain the “love of her life.” It is interesting that Kelly says this, because this is a statement that fans have regularly made about Sam and Jason.

In fact, General Hospital fans love Sam and Jason together so much that they still struggle with accepting anyone else with her. Fans often fire up social media by stating that Dante and Sam’s chemistry falls flat on-screen. In her interview, Kelly admits that Sam can never love anyone the way she loves Jason. And we believe it reflects on-screen. Perhaps that is why all of her other paring appear bland as opposed to her pairing with Jason.
General Hospital: Is A Jason-Sam Reunion On The Cards?
Kelly points that although the two of them have always had remarkable chemistry, their relationship was not free of hurdles on General Hospital. But there was love was so strong that they always got around the obstacles and came back to each other. But can Jason find his way back to Sam yet again? Especially, since he is presumed dead on the soap? Well, the death part was written into the storyline only to accommodate Steve’s exit from the show. Which was due to non-compliance of the COVID vaccine mandate.

However, Disney has dropped the mandate now from all of it’s productions. Moreover, considering that Jason’s body was never really found, there is a chance that he could be alive somewhere. And as a rule, one must never say never in the soapverse! So, if the makers want to bring Jason back to Port Charles for Sam, the door is wide open! Would you like to see a Jason and Sam reunion? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more General Hospital updates on Steve Burton’s possible return as Jason.