The General Hospital spoilers of January 17, 2022, are out, and they reveal that GH fans are in for lots of drama and action. We’re set for what looks to be an exciting episode with plenty of fun around Port Charles. First, Maxie is struggling with something. Next, Sasha will lash out at Gladys in the yoga class.
Then, Brook and Chase are becoming more than just friends while Drew helps Curtis. Finally, Terry is mulling over his love life along with Portia and Elizabeth “Liz” Baldwin. Let’s dive straight into the storylines.
General Hospital: Maxie’s Struggling
Starting off Tuesday’s episode will be Maxie, who will decline the offer of going to Pautauk with Anna Devane and Austin Holt. Looking at this, Felicia will be a little confused. Felicia will feel like Maxie should do everything in her power to find her kid. She will want to make up for the lost time by helping her missing child, Louise.

Felicia will pick on the fact that Maxie was more open to the idea before Anna brought Austin in. So, she will wonder what this is. Maxie is scared that if she and Austin go there, he might recall the truth. But since Felicia doesn’t know this, she will grill Maxie more and finally conclude that Maxie has an issue with Austin’s involvement. This would probably lead to more questions and concerns.
Sasha Lashes Out
Speaking of concerns, Gladys will be concerned about Sasha when she comes to the Yoga class. Sasha will lash out at Gladys when Gladys suggests that Sasha might not be dealing with her grief properly. Gladys might argue that Sasha is getting defensive instead of opening up about her pain. Sasha will want to deal with her son’s death on her own.

In the meanwhile, at the boxing gym, TJ Ashford tries to fix his friendship with Brando. Ashford will offer to be Brando’s sparring partner. Brando will acknowledge that it is a great way of getting his anger and pain out. Brando will wish that Sasha finds a way too, and Ashford will nod his head to this. TJ may think Sasha needs to find something to deal with things her way. GH fans know that if Sasha took the matter into her hands, she might end up on the roads of drugs and drinking, again. So, it will be interesting to see where this goes.
General Hospital: Brook And Chase Moving Forward
More spoilers reveal that Brook Lynn and Harrison Chase will be making a big change. They are all ready to move in together. However, they also might face more issues now. Dante will stop by and hint that Brook and Chase are becoming more than just friends. Dante might highlight that it wouldn’t be the first time a baby is bringing two parents together. Chase will get defensive about the idea and declare that nothing is going on between him and Brook. This will leave Dante wondering why Chase is behaving like this.

Drew Helps Curtis
On the other end of the town, Curtis will talk to Drew about his dad. Drew will try to help Curtis to work through what he’s feeling. He will have a strategy session with Curtis and talk about something being the ultimate sign of trust. However, Drew will help Curtis with his investigation and try to find out the person who threatened Marshall in the past. They will also think it could be the same mysterious threat that Sonny Corinthos is getting now.

General Hospital: Terry Mulls Over Her Love Life
Rounding off the spoilers will be Terry, Portia, and Elizabeth discussing their love lives. Terry might not have high hopes. But Portia will tell her that maybe Camelot is closer than she thinks! Elizabeth will come in with her romantic dilemma. She was all set to go out with Hamilton Finn, but then she saw her wedding ring in the locker. So, she decided not to go out with anyone as of now. Portia and Terry might offer some advice about Liz’s situation.

Will Maxie go to Pautauk? Why is Chase so on edge? Only time will tell. It looks like General Hospital always has lots of drama up its sleeves. Stay tuned. General Hospital airs on CBS all weekdays.