Audrey and Tori Roloff became part of the Little People Big World around the same time. They made their debuts as Jeremy and Zach’s girlfriends, respectively. As time passed, the LPBW couples got serious and started building a life together. They would also hang out a lot as married couples. However, the farm feud allegedly led to some distancing between Jeremy-Audrey and Zach-Tori. They even stopped spending time as much as before. But, the latest posts on their Instagram suggest that they are slowly bridging the gap between them! Are Tori and Audrey close again? Keep reading to know more details about this.
Little People: Audrey & Tori Spend Time Together For Amy Roloff’s 60th Birthday! Friends Again?
As mentioned above, Tori and Audrey used to share a wholesome bond with one another. Both of them would often get together with their husbands and go for double dates. Little People Big World captured their adventures until Jeremy and Audrey quit the show. There is speculation that Zach and Jeremy aren’t that close anymore, owing to the farm feud. Their father, Matt Roloff, wished to have his kids work and live on his farm to carry on his legacy. However, when the time came, he didn’t approve of the twins’ offers, and they moved on. But something quite endearing has happened lately.

Daughters-in-law Audrey and Tori got together lately. They did so to throw a surprise 60th birthday party for their mother-in-law, Amy Roloff. The celebration consisted of Amy Roloff’s kids and all her grandkids. As a result, both young mothers shared pictures from the event. It had Mimi sitting with her lovely grandkids, i.e., Tori and Audrey’s children. The Little People fanbase believes that Audrey and Tori are gradually focussing on building their bond again. As neither of their husbands is getting the farm, fans believe it is fair for them to go back to being friends.
LPBW: Amy Roloff Shares Zach & Jeremy Are Estranged Now! Wants Them To Get Along again?
It seems like the Little People matriarch, Amy Roloff, had one of her wishes come true for her birthday. As the latest Little People Big World season premiered on TV, fans found out about the fate of Roloff Farms. As the LPBW star Matt Roloff put it on sale, it soured his relationship with his kids, Zach and Jeremy. Both of them had dreamed of the day of carrying on their father’s legacy. Sadly, that didn’t happen. Viewers could sense that both the brothers aren’t on good terms anymore. At last, their mother, Amy, also shed light on this matter. In one of her, Instagram lives, she talked of how the Roloff twins aren’t that close anymore.

Amy stated that her sons, Zach and Jeremy, only meet up for “large gatherings” or special events and never at random. She wished that they would start getting along again. As both their wives brainstormed the idea of surprising the Little People star on her birthday, fans feel that they are slowly trying to go back to normal. Prior to this, Audrey and Tori also met er to celebrate a common friend’s birthday. Hence, the fandom is looking forward to more adventures of young mothers in the coming future. Keep track of all the latest LPBW news only by checking TV Season & Spoilers.