The Tell-All part three was postponed by TLC last week because of the super bowl. As a result, Sister Wives fans were disappointed by the news. However, the TLC made up for it and revealed some short teasers. And according to the clips, the family head is seen grieving for the loss of Christine. More so, he admits that the divorce did make him angry. So, tune in with us to find out the whole story.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown Is Grieving, Angry With Christine!
The Sister Wives One-on-One is what everyone’s waiting for. This Sunday, the rattles around the divorce will come to a halt. It looks like Kody’s anger phase has been an issue for him. Hence, the host, Sukanya, sat down and tried to juice out all the details she could during the Tell-All. She delves in deep to focus on the main issue of the split. The Sister Wives fans know that Kody took grieving therapy.
But it turns out he’s still angry at Christine for leaving him. The teaser shows Kody telling the host that Christine has left. The family patriarch adds that he still loves her. However, Kody doesn’t know what to do. That’s because he’s still processing the grief, but he is also angry about it. Kody continues and says he’ll focus on the grief for now so that he can come out of the anger phase.

In addition, Kody admits that he’s struggling with Christine’s decision. However, he also says that maybe it was the right decision. That’s because the family has been going through the feud for a long time now. However, the only best thing that can come of the split is “some relief from the rest of the family.” More so, the ex-spiritual couple will try to be friends eventually.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown Says Christine Is “Full Of It”
Realizing the split, Christine says that she has made the best decision for herself. She added that the decision felt freeing. The ex-wife continues to share her part of the split. She reveals that she discovered that Kody still holds grudges from the past during therapy. And as a result, the ex-wife admitted that therapy brought up ugly things from the past that wasn’t addressed.
Then, Sukanya summarizes some of her conversations with Christine to Kody. She tells Kody that Christine feels that he still holds grudges. To this, Kody reacts aggressively. And then defends himself. As a result, he shutdowns the conversation. He says that he is not a man to hold grudges. Furthermore, he adds that those who know him know it. In addition, he says those who claim he holds grudges are “full of it.”

Well, Christine and Kody have different sides to their divorce stories. That’s because Christine says Kody pushed her to a point where she had to take a stand for herself. Meanwhile, Kody says that he and Christine had many ” fundamental problems.” So, what do you think is the main issue? Tell us in the comments below. And stay tuned to TV Seasons & Spoilers for more.