The world is two weeks away from the next and final season of Supergirl. Supergirl Season 6 is already in buzz after the latest preview of the episode was released. The season opener is named “Rebirth”.
Viewers are still waiting for first glimpses in the form of preview images and trailers. The episode preview reveals that Supergirl and the team will have to make serious efforts to take down Lex Luther this time.
Supergirl Season 6 Episode 1: Preview Out!

In the preview, viewers see Brainiac laying close to death after a fight with Lex Luther. Supergirl and her team charge at Gamenmae to save Braniac. This epic battle leads to a heart-wrenching sequence. After defeating Leviathan, Supergirl turns herself to Lex Luther. Lex has brainwashed the world to love and follow him using the Obsidian Platform.
Realizing Lex’s powers, his sister Lena calls the entire team to help Supergirl. This team includes Alex, J’onn, Dreamer, Kelly, and Brainiac. But Supergirl realizes that the only way to save the world from Lex Luther is to sacrifice her. Fans are left off at this realization and the turn of events remain untold until the episode is released. This is the story we learnt so far fro the official synopsis.
Supergirl Season 5: What Has Happened So Far?

In the last season, fans witnessed Lex Luther earning the ticket to the leviathan ships. “I anticipate everything, but I must admit I did not expect you to live in a casino” we hear him saying.
To protect him from the ship’s radiation, Emma gives him a pin. Here, Rama Khan is preparing to slaughter Supergirl using Kryptonite. To Brainy’s shock, Lex refuses to handover the pin to Brainy to access the ship. Lex wants to wait until Supergirl and all her teammates are killed before he hands the pin to anyone else.
The season ends with Gemma turning into a robot-lady. And Lex gives the bottle to Lillian, the reasons behind which are still unclear.
Supergirl Season 6: What To Expect?
The fact that the final episode of the previous season had to be re-written at the last moment, it has become very difficult for fans to speculate rock-solid plotlines for the upcoming episodes. Jon Cryer (Lex Luther) revealed that parts of the original finale were used in the final edit. But newer plots were written around them for a new ending. Fans have high expectations from this edition as this will be the closure for all their beloved characters.
Though the main threat to Supergirl is still unknown, fans do know that Arrow’s John Diggle will arrive in the National City. David Ramsey, who plays Diggle, will also direct the twelfth episode. Moreover, Lena Luther is likely to join Super Friends to save the world from her brother Lex. Fans can also expect to see newer versions of Brainiac-5 and Dreamer.
Supergirl Season 6 Episode 1: Release Date
Supergirl is taking her flight for the final season this spring on March 30. The franchise will run on The CW network for its sixth season on Tuesday. The first episode has gained traction after the release of the very first preview.
How Supergirl and her team will beat Lex Luther in the final showdown is the big question this season. Fans are all up for epic fights and action-packed sequences.