Chantel Everett tried her best to stay calm. However, Pedro’s actions have often seemed otherwise. The Family Chantel celeb recently asked for a divorce from his wife. But, the reason behind it was uncertain. Meanwhile, the ex-wife believed her husband was having an affair behind her back. Moreover, she even confronted him and speculated that Jimeno might be going out with his colleague, Antonella. Well, that’s what even the fans thought. Shockingly, a picture has surfaced where a new girl is with Pedro and it looks like they are together. Fans are appalled as the girl might be a teenager.
The Family Chantel: Pedro Jimeno Dating A Highschool Senior?
The drama between The Family Chantel couple has been going on for a while. Pedro Jimeno doesn’t share what’s wrong. However, he does say that he doesn’t love Chantel anymore. Moreover, the wife has tried her best and even went to meet Lidia to save her relationship. But, it looks like The Family Chantel celeb’s decision is final. In addition, Chantel has repeatedly caught Pedro in canny situations, leading fans to believe he was cheating on her. Besides, many suspect Jimeno and his colleague, Antonella, are going out. Meanwhile, some others suspect that there could be other women too.
Recently, Pedro Jimeno shared a picture on his social media. And he left the fans bewildered. The reality celeb posed a woman who looked young and in her teens. Fans noted that Pedro Jimeno be might going out with the unidentified woman. So, people started reacting and stating that Pedro has always been a cheater. Some accused The Family Chantel celeb of using Everette to get the green card. On the contrary, the surfacing picture has made the fans extremely uncomfortable. Jimeno was standing close to the girl with his hands around her waist. The viewers speculate that the girl could be in high school or college.

However, internet sleuths dug in and found out that the girl was in fact in her 17 or 18. Due to the vast age difference, fans were completely furious about this. However, The Family Chantel fan stated that somebody tagged Chantel, and the girl responded that Pedro is a realtor and he was only trying to sell her house, nothing else. Meanwhile, viewers wonder if the girl’s parents know that their realtor posted their young daughter on his social media. Besides, it’s just a fan theory that the two are dating. There’s no official proof. And TVSS doesn’t support it.
The Family Chantel: Pedro Jimeno Dumps Chantel
The TLC fans are pumped and happy that Chantel is ready for divorce. That’s because nobody is buying Pedro’s excuses. In Monday’s episode, the fans see Jimeno and Chantel face to face. The reality celeb states that he doesn’t love his wife anymore. He also says that Chantel invaded his space. Though Chantel Everette is ready to accept her mistakes, Pedro aggresively demandes a divorce from her. The wife is shocked to hear these words and said Jimeno is making excuses instead of working for his marriage.

Meanwhile, Chantel still holds on to the idea that Pedro has cheated on her. And he is not ready to accept his fault. Besides, The Family Chantel celeb tells the camera, “it’s over.” Pedro also says that he experienced a pinging pain in his chest. But the fans are unlikely to believe it. Stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for the latest updates on reality TV shows.