The show Welcome to Plathville chronicles the lives of Kim, Barry, and their nine children. Over the years, fans have seen the unorthodox family and their strict rules. Kim Plath soon turned into the most controversial star. Fans hated the celebrity for her strict rules and regulations for the kids. She used to keep herself from living a modern life and didn’t let her children experience the same. Kim and Barry’s relationship didn’t last. They began having cracks in their marriage. Hence, they parted ways for good last season and are now leading their lives separately. TLC launched the latest trailer for the new season. Moreover, fans also spotted Kim’s new man in the same. So, who is it?
Welcome To Plathville: Season 5 Trailer Introduces Kim’s New Boyfriend!
Fans were eagerly waiting for the new season of Welcome To Plathville. On August 8, TLC showcased the first look for Season 5 to the audience. The previous season ended with Kim and Barry’s split. Later the matriarch also ended up with a DUI after getting in an accident. She has been stirring rumors about having a new boyfriend for a long time. Now it seems that the viewers will get to see her new life in the upcoming season. In the clip, Kim was featured holding hands with a mystery man. Further, she also went to a restaurant with her girl friends. Seemingly, one of them asked the TLC star if she was keeping a secret. Surprisingly, Kim started giggling with excitement.
Moreover, Kim was also holding hands with a man in a different scene. The reality TV celeb asked him, “Would you call me your girlfriend” and he replied, “Oh, definitely.” However, fans couldn’t get a glimpse of her secret beau. Later, the Welcome To Plathville star accepted that her new guy gave her the “warm fuzzies.” Fans have been speculating a lot of things about the Plath family. Their lives have turned upside down since the last season. Now, the network will see the aftermath of Kim and Barry’s divorce in the upcoming season.
Welcome To Plathville: Kim Calls Her New Man “Hottie” On Social Media!
Kim Plath turned into the most controversial celebrity on the TLC show. The Welcome To Plathville star moved on rather quickly after divorcing Barry Plath. Fans have been curious to know who the mystery man is. Hence fans started to do a little research about the TLC star’s new guy. The reports say that the matriarch started dating a different guy named Ken Palmer. Apparently, the mystery man worked as an Aviation Maintenance Instructor at Lively Technical College. Further, he has also worked as a flight instructor in the past.
Moreover, Welcome To Plathville fans also claimed that Kim’s children Lydia, Micah, and Isaac also follow him on social media. Also, they found out that Kim commented “Hottie” in a picture of Ken on social media. Now, fans will get to find out if it is the same guy or someone else in the new season. Want to know more about Kim’s love life? Keep coming to TV Season & Spoilers for more juicy updates on the same.