Welcome To Plathville: Kim Plath’s DUI Hearing Goes Wrong As She Pleads Judge To Ignore Her Blood Test


Kim Plath is the mother of nine kids and has been a main cast member on the show Welcome To Plathville. Well, the star has been through a lot during the four seasons. She and her ex-husband Barry raised their children in a very different atmosphere than the people nowadays. The young ones were born and brought up in the rural areas of Georgia; technology and sort of modernization were off-limits. However, the family moved and welcomed a new change in their lives and started living normally. Plaths are even present on social media sites, except for Kim. But after the previous season came to an end, people saw many changes in Kim, be it her appearance or behavior. Recently she has made headlines because of her DUI case. Tune in to know everything about the situation.

Welcome To Plathville: Kim Is In Trouble As She Is Found Guilty Of DUI

Kim Plath had a troublesome relationship with alcohol as she had an alcoholic mother while growing up. The Welcome To Plathville star stated that she had raised herself as her mother was not sober most of the time. She even opened up regarding her sad childhood with no dad and not a proper home to live in. Her daughter Moriah was the one Kim revealed all of this to. However, an incident took place on June 10. Later, in October last year, police arrested the celebrity mother of nine. Kim faced charges of driving under the influence, property damage, and personal injury. All of this took place in Florida. According to Thesun, the reality TV star has demanded the court not ask for her blood test as a form of evidence for the case.

welcome to plathville

She asked this one day before her pre-trial conference as she didn’t want to get into much trouble. The court filing mentioned that result of her blood alcohol level was more than it should be during the incident. The legal limit is supposed to be .08, but her’s were .161 and .162. The court paper also mentioned the Welcome To Plathville star’s eyes were red, and her pupils dilated. In fact, her breath was also emitting the smell of alcohol. Also, Kim was asked to take a voluntary blood test, but she did not respond to it.

However, Kim did give her blood sample, which is necessary when a DUI incident results in death or excessive body injuries. But in her case, there were no serious injuries, as per TheSun. Hence, she demanded the court not use her sample as evidence. Her pre-trial conference was to take place on January 30. But it moved to February 7.

Welcome To Plathville: Kim & Barry’s Divorce Was A Bit Shocking News To Know

Kim and Barry were together for about 24 years in their marriage. Also, Kim had certain beliefs regarding marriage and her way of living. All of it became part of TV in the Welcome To Plathville seasons. She previously stated that divorce was never her option as her marriage was permanent. The celebrity enforced these values on her kids as well. However, marital relationships can be difficult if one feels unwanted or valued. Thus, the news of Kim and Barry’s divorce was shocking for the fans to know. After all, they had seen their beliefs regarding marriage in the previous seasons. The ex-couple separated in June last year and will finalize their divorce soon.


Over time, both the Welcome To Plathville stars have shown several changes in their lifestyles. The primary reason for Kim’s divorce was that she couldn’t get attention and affection from her husband. Fans believed Kim’s behavior had changed a lot after her separation. She has even been arrested for a DUI charge, as mentioned above. Also, she opened her dance class to focus better on herself. There are even speculations of Kim dating her gym partner Nigel. This was quite drastic for her fans and her kids. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest reality TV updates.

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