The Bachelor, for the first time aired on ABC in 2002. This show came up with a unique concept of documenting American dating and relationships on television in the form of a reality show. Chris Harrison remained...
Read moreFans were introduced to the glamorous beauty Snezana Wood in the third season of The Bachelor. She met her husband, Sam Wood, and the couple quickly fell in love. Fortunately, they made it to the finale, and...
Read moreThe Bachelorette's ongoing season is heading towards its finale, indicating that Bachelor In Paradise will soon be on the screens. Every year the dating show adds more surprises to the plotline. Fans are certainly very excited about...
Read moreBachelor Nation always comes with lots of surprises for fans, and surely the upcoming season of Paradise has a lot of things to offer. The much-awaited season is all set to warm your screen with romantic tasks...
Read moreThe Bachelorette always serves the viewers a beautiful love story with lots of drama between the stars. However, all love stories do not have happy endings. Even though the beauties select a man for themselves, they often...
Read moreFirst time in the history of The Bachelorette, the audience was introduced to two beauties. Season 19 of the reality television show featured ICU nurse Gabby Windey and flight instructor Rachel Recchia as the leads. Both of...
Read moreThe Bachelorette Star and former host Kaitlyn Bristowe appeared in Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor. However, she was eliminated from the show. Nonetheless, it already made her the star, and fortunately, she got her show, The...
Read moreIf you have ever wondered what a "ladies' man" is, look at Tyler Cameron's dating history. From dating the supermodel, Gigi Hadid to being with Kylie Jenner's best friend, Tyler's love life includes the name of some...
Read moreThe Bachelorette Star Tyler Cameron's dating life has been in the talk ever since he appeared in Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette. Although he did not win the series, Cameron ruled the audience's hearts. In the...
Read moreThe Bachelorette Season 19 is on-air right now, starring two very hot divas from the last season of The Bachelor. Rachel Recchia is a flight instructor, and Gabby Windey is an ICU nurse. They were two of...
Read moreEmily Ferguson, a star of Bachelor Nation, and her Prince Charming, William Karlsson, made it down the aisle. The relationship between the two people began in 2017. After dating for a while, they announced their engagement in...
Read moreCongratulations are in order as the former The Bachelorette alum JJ Lane has welcomed his second child with his beautiful wife, Kayla Lane. JJ Lane appeared in Season 11 of the popular show, competing to win the...
Read moreThe Bachelorette star Cam Ayala who went through a leg Amputation surgery last month, revealed that only one of his castmates has reached out to him recently. Cam Ayala appeared in Season 15 of The Bachelorette but...
Read moreThe Bachelorette star Jed Wyatt is all set to walk down the aisle and recite the holy vows. After nearly two years of dating, the twosome has finally decided to take their relationship to the next level....
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